God answers prayer

Mar 13, 2005 12:03

Even when we dont want to hear what God has to say God answers our prayers just sometimes we dont always listen.

Ive been keeping something from my loyal readers.

I met a guy.

Ive been talking to him for a week now.

Ive been praying very hard about this whole thing. Trying hard not to get tangled in feelings and not hearing what God is saying.

I met him last night and him and I and my roommate and her bestfriend went out and hung out and spent time together.
It was really awesome, and he really likes me, and i think he is really kool guy. Things were awkward because they always are when I meet people. Him and I held hands the whole time, and he stood close to me when he could and looked into my eyes. It was something every girl wants to experience if they havent before.
I wanted to have those feelings for him but I just dont think I did.
I dont know why because if I was the way I was in high school I wouldve fallen hard, but I didnt.

Hes cute too. and he thought I was cute, and he just wanted to be near me.

but even before he came I doubted if I had feelings for him or not.

I was really confused because I wasnt sure what to do.
I was nervous the whole time we were out.
which is normal but it felt right, and then again didnt.

Him and I are very similar but so different because of the way we were raised.

He believe things and does things that I just dont approve of and I thought maybe God might put us together and have us learn to comprimise on things... but there is just so much that doesnt add up.

I was praying this morning and felt like the Holy Spirit was screaming at me, but doubting it because I was scared. and then I listened to a sermon about hearing Gods voice, and well. I know that it was Him speaking to me.

Maybe he wont take it hard because we've only been talking for a week. We've gotten really close though.

I know the Holy Spirit will speak the words through me. Tender, caring words that wont hurt but show love.

It was nice having a boy like me, but thats not what loves about and I didnt just want to have someone like me and me not like them back.
I just didnt feel it.
I dont want to use someone for feelings and then figure out too late that its not what God wanted...

God allowed this to happen... because he knew I would learn something. and I did, a lot actually.
Im glad hat I had the strength. I praise God for giving me the strength.

Ill let you all know how it goes.

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