2009: A Year of Shit

Feb 19, 2010 15:14

I couldn't think of a more appropriate title for the past year. 2009 Started off with a kick ass bang. Rob and I were married in March and then proceed to go on a fantabulous voyage around Europe and a little jaunt to Africa. It was amazing. We come home and the first week Rob is back to work he's laid off.

The economy sucks. I'm holding onto my job in construction tooth and nail. We've downsized to about a third of our work force from last year. Rob was completely out of work until about September when another jobless ex-coworker of his has the idea of starting their own company (I'm going to remain purposely vague on this because the end result makes my eyeball twitch). Rob worked 8 hours a day trying to find work. Interviewing constantly, and updating his resume everyday so it would be at the top of searches. While this is going on we're eating into our saving that took a blow from our wedding/honeymoon and the year before buying the house. So we pinch and we save and we go on financial lock down for almost the entirety of 2009.

Needless to say the personal business was a bad idea and didn't pan out. Rob lost about 4 months of job hunting during that time. It was getting to the point where we would have to start dipping into the 401k to keep everything going. It was BAD. There were several times where people showed interest and Rob thought things went well only to fall through. He started looking outside his field and out of state.

Wonderfully enough we as a couple weathered this really well. We really fought or took our frustrations out on one another. We actually are quite impressed with ourselves.

Thankfully, finally, after 10 months of no real money coming in, Rob was offered a job in downtown Orlando doing something he might actually like. I feel so weird. Like I don't even know if I can believe this is happening. That things actually are getting better. I'm so hopeful for the future. I can't wait to get back to my life.

not disappointments, this is bullshit, rob, life, disappointments

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