Happy Mother's Day!

May 14, 2006 16:24

Happy Mother's Day . . . mothers! This is part of my triumphant return to LJ (maybe) and the start of a long stay here on LJ (probably) that'll be filled with laughs and other things (hopefully)! Maybe it'll match the good times of last summer, who knows? Are you excited? Probably not. To get you into the mood, I've decided to share these Mother- ( Read more... )

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Re: OMGWTFBBQ! anonymous May 20 2006, 08:17:13 UTC
Wow. I truly laughed out loud. Seriously! Ask Cass! She's giving me funny looks right now because of it. And I'm going to be really immature right now and point this out to you before responding to your comment in a systematic fashion. But first:

"It allows me to get better acquainted with the car. I never knew what a great backseat I had until I sat there! After I was forced to by Liz and the Mango . . ."

Do you have ANY idea how DIRTY that sounds, my friend? HAHAHAHAHA!!!

*ahem* Done now. Moving on...

My comments and whatnot always get progressively longer with each one. It's not... um... a contest... *shifty eyes* But IT IS NOW!!!

Wow... You're all talking the chemistry talk... It's like you're trying to communicate with me, I KNOW you are, you're just not speaking WORDS! ;) Nah, sounds like you've got a pretty good handle on things, that bodes well for you, tossing words like "nucleotide" and "nitrogenase" about... You know, Prof. Nafshun insists that this is a good ploy for picking up chicks. ;)

YOU HAVEN'T SEEN V FOR VENDETTA?! ADNAN MIDDLE-NAME KHAN!!! No, wait, I know your middle name, I forced it out of you one time, didn't I? Phuuuuuuuuuuuuck... DAMMIT! I FAIL! Perhaps, in time, I'll get over it. *sniffle* Haha, I like that I can't remember it, and I'M the one who ends up being sad about it. Anyway, what was I talking about? OH! Right! No--you SHOULD feel bad! I can't BELIEVE you haven't seen V for Vendetta! It's an Adnan movie! Hell, it's an EVERYONE movie! But I honestly CANNOT see you not enjoying this film, I swear. You'd LOVE it. I will force you to see it with me when I triumphantly return. *adds to list* There.

Haha, you implied that ASU people are stupid... Go me, dumbing things down for the general public. Killing jokes, one by one... No, seriously, that made me giggle. I picture you standing there trying to convince these silly ASUians, them standing there looking at you with blank expressions, the frustration mounts, and finally: "Things go BOOM!" *exaggerated hand gestures* Funny, you'd think that'd be right up their alley...

Okay, this is how the outling of the college career goes. The department hands us this list--the Fisheries and Wildlife core curriculum. There's your basic required introductory courses and whatnot, then the "choose three from this list" and "take a physical science course" and then statistics is sulking off on the side along with field sampling. That's the core, and gets braided in with bacc core (except that I'm COMPLETELY FINISHED with bacc core, BWAHAHAHA!) and then the OTHER classes for Fisheries and Wildlife--the ones for my specialization. Some of these are the same as the classes in the core, but can only be applied to one or the other--the specialization or the core. Not both. Grrrrrr. So we need 50 credits' worth of classes for the specialization, in addition to the core and the bacc core and the random classes that you just feel like taking 'cuz they look cool or are being applied to your minor. --But that's not all! Oh, no, far from it. With every class you propose for your specialization, you need a JUSTIFICATION for it! "Biology of Mammals because duh, I want to be a wildlife biologist, and mammals are wildlife..." That's an easy one, though. So, yeah. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

Except that I'm actually kind of excited. *DORK!*

Hey, nice job on the guilt trip! Serious kudos, you had me going there for a second. Yeah, I WILL be on--I'm actually on every day, just at insane hours like 1-4am. So, you know... But yeah, we MUST have One Heck of a Convo soon! :D


Re: OMGWTFBBQ! amzimme May 20 2006, 08:23:02 UTC
*sigh* That was ME... I forgot to sign in AGAIN...


Re: OMGWTFBBQ! adnanymous May 21 2006, 09:25:23 UTC

Damn it, now I feel terrible, Z! After further inspection (and ridicule), I can SEE how it might sound dirty. TOTALLY UNINTENTIONAL, by the way! But yeah, it sounds wrong. I mean, this is supposed to be good old, fun time LiveJournal not PENTHOUSE FORUM! *hangs head in shame* Well, this convo certainly got a PG-rating in a hurry . . . :| . . . and it's all my fault! :(

NO! FULL-NAMED AGAIN! Sort of. Can't remember my middle name?! Ugh, I'm so offended by this! I mean, I can remember that YOUR middle name is Michelle, but I suppose remembering MINE is too much to ask?! You know, this isn't an act of a friend. In fact, I don't see how we can be friends after today! Just kidding! ;) What if I left it at that? That would be funny. Anyway, yeah, my middle name is not exactly common, that's for sure. My middle name shouldn't come to you right away since I haven't been full-named in a while! ;) My middle name would actually be kind of hard to remember for these reasons. So yeah, don't sweat it about not knowing my middle name.

Oh yeah, my middle name . . . I WILL NEVER TELL YOU WHAT IT IS! HA HA! NOW YOU WILL LOSE MANY HOURS OF SLEEP WONDERING WHAT IT COULD BE! Actually, you won't, since you'll probably be up, anyway . . . :(

Yes! We must watch 'V for Vendetta' soon! An "Adnan movie," huh? We'll see if it deserves my seal of approval. I'm not like Roger Ebert who gives out a thumbs up like charity. ;) Nah, I know I'm going to like it. I was looking forward to seeing it for such a long time. But it didn't pan out . . .

Oh yeah, ASU is full of morons. Very stubborn morons. I told them how great the movie was but all I got was "Ummm, what's with the mask? He looks gay! And the CAPE?! Lame. Huh? He resembles who? Guy Fawkes? More like GAY FOX! *wolf whistle*" Okay, the conversation didn't go down exactly like that but it's hard to recreate their stupidity. It's very original and unique to ASU. You'd know if you went here . . .

That really sucks, the classes don't count for both. It's like working on two degrees, in a way. That's rough. How long do these people expect us to stay in college, anyway?! Well, I hope it works out. I wouldn't want you to be stuck in a classroom for 8 years . . . like me. :( Heh heh, don't consider yourself a dork for being excited for mammalian biology. That stuff is interesting. Hell, learning about PLANTS could potentially be interesting (depending on who you have, my teacher was pretty cool last semester). But yeah, when you start learning things on the cellular and molecular level, that's when you want to kill yourself. Bring a cyanide tablet to class, end yourself BEFORE they start talking about cell-to-cell interactions.

Damn it, nothing's on TV right now. I suppose I'll watch SNL. I don't expect it to be very funny and I wouldn't recommend watching it. But I have to seeing as how KEYSER SOZE IS HOSTING! Yep, they brought in Kevin Spacey to host their season finale. But not even he can save this sinking ship . . .


Re: OMGWTFBBQ! amzimme May 21 2006, 21:46:51 UTC
AHA! VICTORY! I remembered to sign in--go. me.

Anyway, I love that you're so ashamed for writing that, Adnan--didn't you know that dirty is all in the eyes of the beholder? It's true--anything can be interpreted as dirty, which leaves the interpreter to blame, not the speaker. I clear you of all charges. ;)

I DO remember your middle name! I so totally do! Check this out--Nassir! Bwaha! I win again! *victory dance*

V for Vendetta IS an Adnan movie! There's this guy who blows things up and he's very very clever and whatnot. It's awesome. Why is it that any polished, refined, elegant guy is perceived as gay? In the Victorian era, it was the epitome of manliness! Silly society.

Anyway, my specialization thing isn't too bad--it's complicated, but in the long run, it means I get to take MORE of the classes I want, so hey--no complaints here! :D The real question is grad school, where I can hone in a few species--say, canis lupis--and just study them like mad. My God, that would make me happy. But is that preferable to studying them on my own with no previous bias? This I do not know. Anyway, it's a few years away, I don't have to think about it immediately.

GO KEVIN SPACEY! Goin' down with the ship... ya gotta respect that...

So, what news?

On my end, I just saw the Family Stone. That movie has no fewer than eight plot lines, none of which get fully developed. Heheh.


Re: OMGWTFBBQ! adnanymous May 22 2006, 09:00:02 UTC
Sweet, cleared of all charges! I thought for a moment that maybe you'd tell Cass and that I had given her ANOTHER reason to attack me . . . I take so much abuse! :( By the way, how is Cass? And the rest of 'em?! You know, you should convince them to come down here and see what it's like in this blazing heat. But I'm sure it's starting to warm up in Oregon, right?

Ahh, you remembered! Now we're friends again. ;) Nah, I couldn't hold something like THAT against you. What's the point of a middle name, anyway?

Yeah, I'm with you in wondering why everyone thinks those things are gay. People think things are gay when they couldn't be more wrong. For example, completely repulsive and highly disturbed villain, Alex de Large, from 'A Clockwork Orange' was a killer that listened to Beethoven, wore a Bowler hat, face paint and some, long eyelash thing.

And for these reasons, during any popular discussion of the movie, the question of "Was Alex gay?" always comes up. ALWAYS! I guess a guy can't listen to Beethoven without being gay. The hat, face paint and long eyelash thing are just plain CREEPY! Not really gay, though. Also, it's so he doesn't recognize himself as he goes about his brutal ways. V's mask doesn't look gay. It makes him look a little crazy but not gay. I think it's just that these ASU people, like so many little, junior high kids, dimiss everything they disagree with as being 'gay.' Ahh, well . . .

Well hey, at least you'll be taking classes you WANT to take. It would suck otherwise. And yeah, I imagine finally getting to study what you want will be great in grad school. For me, just getting into a grad school somewhere would make me happy. No studying canis lupis when I get there, sadly. It'll be more like cannabis indica. Yeah, us certified, drug distributors get to deal with the ugly things in life. Can't wait for THAT . . . :( But yeah, we've got a lot of time until then.

Yeah, Kevin Spacey did the best he could with the lousy jokes they prepared for him. There was only one skit I liked and it was the one that was like the last ten minutes of 'The Usual Suspects.' Yeah, I'm sure it was enough to spoil the movie for everyone. But it's been 10 years, anyone that wanted to see it, already has seen it. And anyone that was to be forced to watch it, already has been forced to watch it! ;)

The Family Stone, huh? With eight plot lines?! Sounds like one helluva romantic comedy! And one WITHOUT Julia Roberts and Hugh Grant?! Incredible. Well, I can't say I'm a fan of those kinds of movies. But I hear some of them could be pretty good. Your favorite, 'When Harry Met Sally,' was VERY well-accepted among almost everyone. That one, I'm sure, didn't have eight plot lines . . . ;)

Wow. And I just looked up 'When Harry Met Sally' on RT. 93%?! DAMN, SON! I didn't know it was THAT well-accepted . . .

So yeah, only about a month or so left before you come back, right? But not before you head over to Yosemite with, I'm guessing, the other members of the Fantastic Four along with the Andrews and maybe the fam? That should be pretty cool. It looks pretty cool. On Google Images . . . :( Heh heh, just kidding! Take pictures! As if you won't. ;) Take 'em because these ones on Google Images are tired and uninspired . . .

Lata, Z!



Re: OMGWTFBBQ! amzimme May 22 2006, 22:18:43 UTC
Oh, my, what a creepy creepy man.

Anyway, so, Cass is good, and I did in fact tell her about your dirty little comment. ;) She was amused. The rest of them are doing pretty well--not, you know, extraordinary, but pretty well, considering the fact that finals are imminent and Rose and Amanda haven't secured an apartment for next year and Andrew hasn't secured a job for the summer to pay for rent and school next year and Cass can't get into one of the classes she needs to take fall term 'cuz she can't take it in Spain and that's going to set her back an entire year... We're doin' good. :D Haha, no, it's not so bad--there are good things going on, too. It all balances out, in the end.

You know, I keep TRYING to convince them to come down to AZ--I tempt them with the prospect of waterskiing, mostly, and that tends to light a spark of half-interest until they consider the heat. I've generated some interest in getting them to come to AZ over winter break next year, though! :) Especially Andrew, possibly Cass, though she's trying equally hard to get me to go to Montana. Which is tempting, but cold.

The temperature here is getting to, oh, about PERFECT. :D

You know, I suspect the point of a middle name is so that people know when you're mad at them--you can middle-name them. Good times... Yeah, seriously, what IS the point of a middle name? Is it just a tactic to appease both parents if they have different wants in the name department? Whoever ends up granting the middle name gets completely screwed over, anyway.

I think the whole "gay" label is a defensive tactic. People are jealous of these daring, cool people with their false eyelashes and kickass swordfighting abilities, and they don't want to put forth the time and effort to accomplish similar feats or feel inadequate, so try to spin it so the cool person is the one with the problem. Of course, calling them gay isn't the best way to accomplish this, but hey--we already established that said people are morons, yes? ;)

Okay, so maybe the land of pharmacy isn't all glorious land-over-the-rainbow kind of fun, but hey--it's not horribly overtaxing and it pays well, right? Where's the bad? ;)

Hey, 'When Harry Met Sally' is a classic, pal--don't be underestimating the power of Billy Crystal, my friend. Given, what's-her-face is irritating beyond belief, Meg Ryan, but she always is and meh, whatever. It's a good movie anyway. Damn right, 93%...

Oh, you KNOW there'll be eight hundred pictures of Yosemite. I can't resist. :D

So, you guys got any new plans in the offing?


Re: OMGWTFBBQ! adnanymous May 23 2006, 08:58:58 UTC
Gee, thanks. Can't wait for the next convo with CASS! :(

Damn, it's too bad things are less-than-perfect with the others. And of course I hope things start going their way soon. But they seem like tough people, anyway. I mean, there's no way I can know that having never met them and being all the way over here. But it sounds to me like they always manage to have a good time and keep their heads up. Again, I hope their luck changes soon. And it's nice to know that good things are going on at the same time!

And yeah, they'd LOVE Arizona during winter break. We complain about how cold it is over here around that time but even then it's only around 60 or so. I don't remember ever coming across someone that LIKED the freezing cold weather in Oregon. Who knows, they might come down and decide to go waterskiing, anyway? It's at least warmer than whatever they're used to. And Cass wants you to go to Montana, huh? Tell her instead of going along with her to Montana, you'll visit her in Spain! That'll make BOTH of you happy, I'm sure . . . ;)

Yeah, pharmacy isn't anything to complain about. I'm sure I'll like it once I get there. You should see the nurse-doctor-pharmacist rivalry they've got going around here. It's amazing how divisive something like a major can be. But once somebody finds out you belong to one of those, you'll be taken in as one of their own immediately. And rejected just as fast if you're not one of them! There's lots of mistrust among the groups, too. I can tell you as a pharmacy major, you can't trust our kind. ;)

'When Harry Met Sally' is a classic, no doubt about that. But that rating is up there with some of the greatest movies ever! Maybe it is one of the greatest movies ever? A movie doesn't have to be old to be considered a classic, I don't think.

Sweet, that'll be eight hundred MORE pictures on Facebook! Heh heh, nah, it's a good thing. And not entirely impossible, either! I mean, with you and that digital camera? Yeah, Facebook's servers are going to take a REAL beating this summer! ;)

You know, we haven't made any new plans so far. Get togethers are kind of spontaneous around here. Whatever we plan to do, though, it's going to be indoors. Seriously, it's WAY. TOO. FREAKIN'. HOT! We all agree that it's you that we need to make plans for the rest of us. We're so lost without ya, Z!


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