
Jun 09, 2009 17:09

\o/ Assignments are all in everybody!

I have to say, having frantically figured out how to make a zip file in the last quarter hour, and watching yahoo slowly, very slowly attach your assignments as the clock creeps up to 5:00 (the deadline) is a special kind of hell. But I am done, and I promised alex_beecroft recs for more Spock-centered gen. :) So---first round

Nothing Left to Lose by igrockspock A drabble on Spock before he announces his intentions to the Vulcan Science Academy.

Earth Kids are Assholes by vampy chick. Spock visits his mother's family on Iowa and makes a friend. By way of bloody noses.

When They Have to Take You In le sequel, after they saved the rest of the universe.

Necessity by iulia-linnea. At the end of the world, Spock faces some hard choices. Spock/Uhura, though she's not featured here.

And What Would you change if you could by penknife. Spock watching his friends from the balcony, reflecting on things gained and lost.

Parts of a whole An ensemble piece, rather than purely Spock-centric, but whole cast is darling in this, and Spock's section is hilarious.

Spock, with Ships
Our Emotional History is in the Kitchen by raphaela667 Spock and Jim visit Winona Kirk. It goes as well as anyone can expect.

In her aspect and in her eyes by liviapenn. Spock, Uhura and a downtown bookstore.


Kirk/Spock by arefadedaway. Set to Don't Stop Believing by Glee. Gorgeous editing and very fun. Spock=small town girl; Jim=city boy from Detroit.

Chang Chang! by such_heights. The Enterprise gang and their adventures set to Grease. Because the new movie is a high school musical in space. *ducks*

Vulcan Reforged Fic and meta on the reconstruction of Vulcan. Lots of Spock fic to be had here. :)

startrek2009, recs

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