In which I am very, very late to the ST 2009 party

Jun 04, 2009 23:06

I saw Star Trek with my B a few weeks ago, just before deadlines from hell came crashing down on me. But the squee has stayed strong and true and have turned in 3/4ths of assignments so...

This is my Dad's team, as weeeee baby-faced bairns. :D I remember watching snips of TOS with my Dad growing up. And Sulu! Eomer Bones! Scotty, who sounds like a Hobbbit and Sulu, who gives adorable bad impressions. First for leaving the break on, then sheepishly admitting to an appalled Jim that his combat training was "fencing." I bet Jim did not expect to see that katana.

(btw, I've read somewhere fanon has it that Sulu is half Japanese, half pinoy. I'm totally going with that! One day, Hikaru will introduce everybody to ube and Halo-halo. I think Spock would love them both, though he wouldn't put it that way).

I think I have a thing for mothers' boys. I know some folks had problems, but I loved, loved Amanda for the few minutes of screentime she had and the deep, abiding love between herself and her son. Spock is unequivically his mother's son, and how often do we get to see that where the mother isn't intended to be a bitch/negative/emasculating influence? (Hi, Alexander!) "So you think my Mom is a disadvantage?! Fuck you!"

Watching him lose her broke my heart.

And Spock and Uhura---I didn't realize that it was Zoe, who I first saw in Center Stage---I remember watching her dance and falling heads over heels in love. She was just gorgeous and smart and kick ass as Uhura, and she and Zach nailed it together. (any fics on Uhura, growing up, or Uhura and her family?) Because dude, I want to read those. Along with her first years in San Francisco, that have everything to do with her adjusting to the trams, and the cold, and not having her family there, distant relatives and friends of her mom visiting her to make sure she has enough sweaters. And seeking kindred spirits among her fellow cadets, studying up all night with mugs of hot coffee in hand, and the crazy, exciting world that a Starfleet campus is). I want to read those stories about everybody, actually. Especially Sulu, Spock and Chekov.

I have a hundred thousand bunnies, and for one particular bunny (for which I blame selenak, there is a question I must ask. Guys, is Spock the first viable instance of a human-alien hybrid in the Federation's history? There's nothing in canon I know of that confirms either or: I know there was a previous attempt (by crazy people and mad scientists) but the baby unfortunately didn't live very long.

Because if Spock is the first, his birth has a lot more significance to the Federation and its culture than just Ambassador Sarek's half human son. I can see where it would be considered a (minor) big thing, in scientific circles and for the general Federation public. The first healthy hybrid child in the Federation's history, in a long line of hybrid children that populate the Federation. And I can see people in the 2230's getting swept up in the poetry of it: a child of two peoples, born for no other reason than his parents loved each other and wanted him, and a symbol of the Federation and what they are striving to become.

Of course, that would be before the Kelvin incident when everyone found out Romulans kind of sort of looked Vulcans and relations sour slightly from there. :p
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