Dallas Willard's article
Transformation of the Mind:
Clearly our thoughts are one of the most basic sources of our life. By "thoughts" we mean all of the ways in which we are conscious of things - and it includes our memories, perceptions and beliefs. Thoughts determine the orientation of everything we do and evoke the feelings that frame our world and motivate our actions. Interestingly, you can‘t evoke thoughts by feeling a certain way. However, we can evoke - and to some degree - control our feelings by directing our thoughts.
This selection stood out to me. It is one thing I am learning to do and practice. Instead of mindlessly allowing any thought or feeling to take over, I need to stop it. I need to bring it to Jesus. One of the things I'm learning by working through my impulsive nature is that just because I feel it doesn't mean it should be acted on. That's just excusing my immaturity.