Jun 12, 2009 07:01
Last night's foray into dream land yielded a particularly odd and entertaining narrative, at least to me. It started with a lengthy chase drama in which I was being pursued by ancient and powerful entities that were on Earth long before we were. There were several tense sequences of pursuit but they're a little fuzzy to me now. I do remember that these entities all looked like the Sixes from Battlestar Galactica, and that they possessed the power to join with and control anything they touched. For example, they could melt into the wall of a building and do things like open and close doors or mess with the lights. This would become a key detail toward the end of the dream.
This section transitioned into a continuation of the TV series Angel, only Angel had teamed up with some new people to fight crime instead of all his original compatriots. Actually, upon reflection it seems more like a reboot than a continuation, since there was no mention of the other cast at all and no reference to all the earth-shattering stuff that went on toward the end of the series. Angel's new team included Phyllis and Bob Vance (Vance Refrigeration) from the Office, and a technical nerdy guy who was me at first.
At this point there was a lot of time spent on exactly how we were going to fight crime. We came into possession of a large cargo van, and after Angel, Phyllis and Bob argued about what to do with it, I finally came up with an idea they liked. We took a page from the A-Team and converted it into a crime busting juggernaut. We mounted security cameras all over it and created an "operator" station inside where the cameras and other features could be manipulated. We installed a couple flamethrowers in the front and some hidden stake launchers (apparently we were still concerned about vampires) all around it. By the time it was finished there was stuff mounted all over the thing and I didn't know what most of it was.
It was around here that my role in the dream changed. I was now Angel and the nerdy techy guy seemed to fade out of the narrative entirely. Our attempts at using the van to fight crime were continuously thwarted by the police, led by a nefarious detective who looked like Pat Hingle. Our hideout, a warehouse where we could store the van, was compromised and we had to drive away into the night. While we made our way through some sort of half desert, half Troutdale landscape of giant rock formations and quaint small town storefronts, we discussed where we could hide the van that would keep it safe from those pesky police.
Looking at the giant rocks, it suddenly occurred to me/Angel that I should use my ancient powers of object melding to our advantage. Somehow the dream had retroactively incorporated Angel/me into the ancient powerful being stuff from earlier and I understood that I was one of them. Why I didn't look like a Six was never explained. The dream ended as I was examining one of the large rocks, trying to plan out what sort of awesome complex of hidden chambers and secret doors I would shape once I joined with the stone.