"From the brain and the brain alone arise our pleasures, joys, laughter and jests, as well as our sorrows, pains and griefs" Hippocrates
Brain Explorer
"Brain Explorer is a graphical, educational look at the brain and the disorders affecting it, aimed at GPs and specialists in training. Brain Explorer is available in English, French, German and Spanish."
CNSforum"CNSforum is a professional website containing objective and unbiased news, knowledge and tools on evidence-based medicine in psychiatry and neurology aimed primarily at psychiatrists and neurologists."
"CNSforum is aimed at optimising the daily work of CNS healthcare professionals by providing an extensive forum for CNS-related information and an opportunity to exchange knowledge and experiences online."
Image Bank"A collection of downloadable CNS images for teaching, presentations and other purposes."
American Brain Tumor Association"... [a] complete source for information about brain tumors, treatment options, clinical trials and living with a brain tumor."
A Primer of Brain Tumors.
Disclosure: Mr Lyall Furphy discloses that his lunch today was provided by
Lundbeck A/S which sponsored a lecture on eating disorders. The smoked salmon rolls, cakes and MIMS manual for Antidepressants were appreciated however Lundbeck A/S failed to provide a pen/post-it notes/writing pad/lanyard/lip balm/sweets/mug/other gimmicky pharmaceutical company paraphernalia.
Look at the top left hand corner for the
Japanese guy.