Jul 24, 2006 20:01
Going to write a small novel here, but I hope it is worth the read:
Well my ex has moved out of my mates house and back in with her folks.
That is definetly a good thing for her - she is also going into alcohol rehab, which is also a VERY good thing. From my understanding, her liver had about 5 years left tops (she's 23) and alcohol was just making her mental situation go from bad to worse. She really does need help, on several fronts and she is finally going to get it it would seem.
Some of it wasn't her fault or of her making - a lot was her fault and of her making though.
Although I haved really ripped her to shreads online (and said some things which were probably over the top) I am glad she has got back on the rails. Some of my anger was just seeing such wasted potential (she is intelligent and can be very friendly). Though a lot was bent up frustration and outrage (she did hurt me and drag me down) and I'm man enough to admit that. I'm not a violent person (I never hit her or anyone for that matter) but I do get angry like every person does - it was a better method of letting it out then say, punching random people in the face. Although I know I did upset and offend innocent people along the way with my words and for that I am truly sorry.
I guess it was part of the healing process and I thank those who have been there for me, even in a small way. It's not easy to tame a creature as unique or qwerky as I. I finally feel like I can get to know people properly after spending months in self-imposed isolation and I also know and want to be able to trust more people. There are the very few I do at the moment, but I do want that list to grow because I now there are many good people out there.
As for me and K - it's a final thing, never again. I don't really want to see or speak to her again (However Perth is a small place, so our paths may cross at somepoint) and could never, ever at any stage in my life be anything more than friends, regardless of our well she does/doesn't get back on the right track. There are far, far too many fundemental differences and conflicts between our personalities, likes, dislikes and aspirations for that. I could not make that mistake again - I know that for sure now and she apparently does as well (that is what she has said to friends at least, I hope it's true).
So I can close a chapter of my life now and begin a new one - I'm glad that K didn't hit the bottom and looks to slowly be making an ascent because it would have been such a tragic waste if she was going the way it looked like.I hope her a successful recovery.
I'm glad I can move on, meet new people, strengthen friendships, finally finish off my fucking uni degree(just 2 units left) and hopefully meet a special lady in the near future (that journey is bound to be fun ;)
Though I don't see myself going back to sin anytime soon - I'm still not happy with what happened to that place. Grrrrrr :)
Thankyou all for putting up with me and providing assitance in your own little way, expect a much happier, appreciative and far less voltaile admiral_i from now on..... though I can dribble shit and rant and rave if people want to hear it :)