Jan 22, 2005 21:11
1: have you ever tried pot? if so, what did you like/dislike about it? if not, would you ever try it?
i have NEVER tried pot. ever. ive been around friends who have smoked it and i think it smells ABSOLUTELY terrible. its gross. i would never smoke ANYTHING. ever. why would i put smoke in my lungs? or mouth even. i mean it doesnt make sense to me. but ive THOUGHT about consuming say...a "special" brownie...but idk for sure if id do that. i think id prefer to stay drug free officially..but sometimes i think id like to try it just so i could say i did and tell my kids why i dont think they should. (im a dork)
2: if nothing stood in your way, where would you go in life, with whom, and what would you end up doing?
Im not sure exactly what you mean by "where I'd go in life" so ill talk about location and career i suppose. I want to live somewhere with a climate similar to the one I'm in now. I like the balmy summers and snowy winters, as well as the picture perfect autumns (but spring sucks here). but, i know that for my own mental state of health Im gonna need to be able to vacation somewhere hot...and preferably tropical. every spring or winter possible. just for a week at least. so that would bring me to believe that id need a decent paying job since vacations arent cheap. its hard for me to think about having a job in terms of money though. I want to be happy doing what i do, even if i get paid shitty. I want to do something that is a bit different everyday, preferably, because i get sick of schedules and doing the same thing every day. but if i had my choice of doing anything, id prob choose from the following three: perform (as mentioned in a previous journal..opera, broadway...even movies), cosmotology...hair, makeup, nails..the works, or even massage therapy. who doesnt love a massage? the last two are very "reachable" goals. im just bad at making committments (surprise). as for who id go with...i honestly dont know. id hate to move onto my future plans alone, but idk that i could pick one friend. so lets keep it vague--id want to go with someone fun, kind, understanding, honest and dependable. that leaves a pretty vast opening ;)
3: if you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be and why?
This is tough...there are a lot of things id like to change about myself...but ill try to limit it to one physical attribute and one characteristic. WOW, its even harder to limit myself to one physical attribute haha...i could REALLY use this opportunity to rip myself apart here! but ill practice what i preach...and choose one: I'd change my weight. i hate to admit it, but i know id feel 80% better about myself if i weren't 35 lbs over weight (embarassed face). I know this is something i can technically achieve, but as it turns out I LOVE food, and excersize doesn't always cut it alone. but yeah..id love to have a great body. ug. moving on...this is also difficult since for the most part i like my personality and character...but I guess i'd attempt to be a little less abrasive. I think im a bit too much for people to handle. They don't know what to make of me...a little too aggressive at times. I'd quiet down and think before I talk. I'd also like to be more witty. im kinda dumb sounding a lot of the time.
4: what is the one thing you like most about your body? what is the one thing you like most about your personality? and why.
ooo a total opposite question: how fun! positive things are good, so here goes: I like my shoulders and chest (not my breasts , at all....but the actual chest). my feet are cute too ;) as for my personality, I like that im always more than willing to try new things.
5: if you were to marry someone, what characteristics would you look for and describe what you would desire out of the marriage/relationship (i.e. children, support, devotion, chivalry, a best friend, etc.)?
ug..marriage is so scary!! but lets see...I'd like a child, and definitely no more than 2. I'd like my husband to be loving towards me and our children...and to never stop trying. I'd want him to love what he did and have values (happiness above money, honesty, fidelity), be selfless, and APPRECIATE everything he has.
i think that covers it, eh?