24 Hours Post Surgery

Sep 09, 2008 21:31

Just a quick post.

Went to see Habibi today and they brought him out to a treatment room wrapped in a blanket.
All my crazy mind could think of was kitty taco!. I put him on my lap and he was purring away. He was more alert and even gave me his chin to scratch. Then he burrowed into my arm and went to sleep. I stayed about 1/2 an hour and then he began squirming trying to find a more comfortable position so back to his kitty pillow he went. He looked good BUT he is not eating, or drinking and is unwilling to stand up. I talked to his vet today and suggested taking his own food to see if I can coax him to eat tomorrow, I'm also going to authorize my vet to talk to the surgeons and the post operative treating Docs.....I had no idea that Hippa also included animals. I'll be by tomorrow at 7am with his food and authorizing the Docs to talk to his vet- she was like if he does not start eating tomorrow they need to syringe feed him tomorrow ( I had no idea so for me it's easier if my vet talks to them.). If all goes well I'll bring him home on Thursday. Thanks for the outpouring of Love and prayers, Reiki, and healing energy and everything else you all have sent.....we BOTH appreciate it dearly!

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