Title: PDA Fandom: Supernatural Author: Adja999 Pairing/Character: Sam, Dean. Slash? Pre slash? UST Word Count: 800 Rating: PG 13, maybe… a lil’ more? Summary: The fans are going to love the new twist in Supernatural’s plot. Jared does not. Spoilers: none Disclaimer: Own them? I wish.
Title: The Hustler’s way Fandom: Supernatrual Author: Adja999 Pairing/Character: Wincest Word Count: 508 Rating: PG 13, maybe… a lil’ more? Summary: Hustling might just be the solution to everything. Spoilers: none Disclaimer: Own them? I wish.
Ficlet: Spn slash J2 wincest whatever... This just popped into my head last night. Words: 153 Fandom: spn Summary: just check it out. It'll take a minute.