Writer's Block: You and A Fictional Character of Your Choice

Aug 27, 2008 21:37

Uh, I can't pick just one, so I'll go with the top three.

1. Jareth, The Goblin King, from the movie Labyrinth. I think the main reason would be because he looks like David Bowie. I can't help my fangirling sometimes, and even with the ridiculous wig he wore in the movie, he's still damn sexy. Plus, he seemed intelligent in the movie, and would be probably be fun to talk to. And also, probably a great lay.

2. Indiana Jones. I have a minor Harrison Ford obsession (Uh, 60 year old men, wtf, self?), but aside from that, Indiana Jones always manages to get out of any sort of trouble he's in, so hopefully he could get us off the island. And I'm a major sucker for all of the cheesy lines he has. I think I've always fancied myself to be a good Marion Ravenwood, so this scenario would present the perfect opportunity to live that out.

3. Batman. Simply because he's the goddamn Batman.

writer's block

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