May 30, 2012 15:14
So that whole "I'm going to write more often" thing didn't last quite as long as I hoped, and once again, I have lots and lots of days where I haven't written at all. So let's try this again, with a little more structure.
1. Music Monday, wherein I highlight a specific song or artist I've been digging lately. (Probably song, as I tend to focus on a few artists for months at a time)
2. TV Tuesday, wherein I write a bit about a specific show or episode I've been watching or thinking about lately. It might be a picspam, it might be a deep analysis of a specific episode or character arc. We'll see what it brings.
3. Wait-for-it Wednesday, wherein I design some sort of interactive thing and post the answer or followup the following week. Some sort of game or trivia. No prizes, beyond just notoriety. It may be a "caption this" thing. I may bring back Character of the Day and then the following week show who got the one(s) I was thinking of. Or something. I'm not sure yet. But it'll keep my creativity flowing.
4. Thinky Thursday. This will be a personal entry, something about what's going on in my life that particular week. Could be upcoming plans, something that happened at work, or at home, or whatever. Depending on the subject, it may be heavily filtered. It's definitely going to be at least general friends-locked, most likely, because I don't like the entire world having access to my business. (Yes, I realize I tweet publicly, but it's different somehow.) If it is heavily filtered, I'll try to write another, less deep post and have it available to more people. (Yes, I have filters here. Yes, I use them. This is, first and foremost, my journal, so if I've decided you don't need to know something about my life, then that's the way it is.)
5. Friday Five. I subscribe to two of these, read them most weeks, and sometimes think about posting. I used to do these regularly, but I stopped.
6. Sabbath Saturday. About 95% of the time, I observe Shabbat partially. I'm usually on my couch, reading and napping. I don't watch TV or go on the computer. I don't shop. I drive, but it depends on the destination. Saturday night, when I turn the computer, I will post about something. It may be the book I read on Saturday. It could be the book I'm reading Friday night at dinner. It could be the music that I play for atmosphere Friday night. It may be about something deeper. If there's a holiday coming up, I may post about that. But something Shabbosy or Jewish.
7. Sunday Sweets. I like alliteration, as you can tell. I stole this title from Cake Wrecks. I like to cook a lot, and I like trying new recipes or experiments. (Not always desserts, so maybe not always traditionally "sweet," but it's sure as hell sweet when the "experiment" comes out good!) Sundays I will post about food.
Maybe this way, I'll stick to it for longer than a month.
interwebs: livejournal