Dec 07, 2005 21:08
ME: ..i'm stable on my own .. and it's something i'm still getting used to i guess
FILIPE: i see
ME: yeah
ME: it's good
ME: we'll see what happens
FILIPE: you're weird
ME: haha
ME: why?!?
ME: cause i overanalyze everything?!
FILIPE: that and everything always works out so weirdly for you
FILIPE: its like you have to learn all your life lessons the long, hard way
ME: haha yeah
ME: but hey .. i'm starting to think it's worth it because it's made me such a better person
ME: i used to hate how everything sucked .. but now .. it's just kind of a new thing to tackle
ME: a new piece of my personality
ME: i've definitely grown a lot this semester
FILIPE: i could still take you
ME: hahaha
ME: maybe physically
ME: but mentally/emotionally, i can kick your ass
ME: :-D
FILIPE: whoa there
FILIPE: walk before you can run baby
ME: hahahahaha
ME: i don't need to be physically strong
ME: as long as i can take whatever i get dealt
FILIPE: ::tackle::
FILIPE: deal with that
ME: hahaha
ME: hey there
ME: be nice
FILIPE: i am nice
ME: i haven't seen or talk to you in over a month
ME: and you tackle me?!
ME: that's not nice :-)
FILIPE: so, things don't change between us because of distance or time
ME: ..true story
ME: how creepy is that
FILIPE: haha
FILIPE: very?
ME: yeah
ME: yeah it is