Title: The Promise
Author: adidasje
Length: Drabble
Rating: G
Genre: Angst
Pairing: --
Status: Completed
Date: 8 February 2009
Summary: Some promises are made to be broken.
Disclaimer: Mine~!
One day a year, the old lady put on her finest frock and her most beautiful bonnet. She would fix her hair meticulously, no strand left out of place. She would do her makeup as neatly as old fingers allowed. Clutching her small purse, she would step outside looking her very best and be on her way. Some years, it was a cold day and she needed to bring a coat. Others years, the season had warmed enough to allow it to be left behind.
One day a year, the old lady would make her way over to the park bench, the place both parties so long ago had agreed to meet. Some years, she arrived as early as possible, afraid to miss the other. Other years, she took her time enjoying the journey.
One day a year, the old lady would sit on the park bench until the day turned into the next. People would pass her by, but never who she was looking for. In darkness, broken by the street lights, she would rise from her seat and she would journey home. Some years, in vain hope, wondering if she had missed the other party. Most years, knowing.