Oct 13, 2006 13:00
I can’t believe it snowed yesterday! I waited so long for autumn to arrive, and here nature is trying to skip right over it!! Brrrrr - it was less than 40 degrees out. What happened to my beautiful fall temperatures? Where are my cool, crisp walks through the orange and yellow trees? Where is my sweater weather? I don’t know what’s going on. Maybe it will come back soon.
Yesterday I gave a speech for a presentation at the office. The audience consisted of more than a dozen people, if you include my co-workers. Most of the people are friends of the ministry, and my parents were present as well.
My speech was about three minutes long and I think I was shaking in my boots for the duration of it. One thing that made me nervous was that the speech was totally from my heart - I labored over writing it so that it would be very real and honest. I’m not afraid of being honest, but I usually don’t share my true feelings with so many people at once.
I was also nervous because I hadn’t given a real, prepared speech since my Speech Communication class in college. I think I was a junior so that would have been about six years ago. And this thing had to be polished, too. I had to have it nearly memorized. For being a singer, I am pretty lousy at memorizing things. I mean I have to go over that sucker about 100 times before I can feel sure about it. Who has that kind of time?
But when it was all done, I felt like I had done a good job. I shared my heart and people responded well. One lady told me later that she almost cried, though she is a bit elderly and cries or almost cries at a lot of things....
After I spoke (I was the opener/welcomer) I had to run the audio/visual equipment. We had 3 DVD clips and one VHS clip to show, and I am notoriously bad with remote controls, or any controls, really. It’s not the technology that trips me up, it’s the controlling of it. Anyway, I did just fine, everything played when it was supposed to and nothing played when it wasn’t supposed to (that did happen in rehearsal a few times).
Really, the whole presentation, which was about 45 minutes long, went well. My boss’ boss emailed us all soon after, saying that he was proud of us. I think that God blessed what we did, because He wants that message to get out. And we're pleased that He was pleased.