
Apr 13, 2007 18:16

kurt vonnegut died at age 84 from falling and hitting his head. i found out at 3:30 am while accidentally checking the nytimes website. it was completely surreal.

i've found the Music, capital M and all. it's by a little british white girl who sings like the supremes. everybody go listen to amy winehouse.

i need a break. it's been vacation, and i spend 10 hours/day editing lexiles, another 2 transcribing, and whatever's left doing calc bc. in between, sometimes i try to sleep, and sometimes i try to go out, but then that gets ugly when i come home to find that kurt vonnegut has died. redundance anyone?

i'm going to new york sunday and to pasadena thursday. hopefully this will help me decide where i want to go to college. i'm awful ambivalent about that waitlist too. this whole selection process was a lot easier back in january.

the day before yesterday a plane ticket for july magically materialized. score =)

<3 ana
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