Jun 28, 2011 11:52
Recently I decided to organize my bookmarks using Delicious since I'm ALWAYS favoriting stories I like because I'm never sure I'll be able to find them again and I don't really like doing fic requests on fic finder comms. And some fandoms don't have that anyway.
Anyway I chose delicious because having messed around on it for some kinkmemes that archive their fics over there, I really liked how you could organize and tag bookmarks. That was really nice in my opinion. So I set up an account.
Here's the only problem I've had so far: Half the time when I try to log on, I can't get in. Is this just a temporary server error or what?
I've been toying around with the idea that I need to contact somebody, and indeed, if this continues I will. But I was just wondering if anyone has had similar problems with the site lately, or if it's just me.