Okay, this is pathetic..

Feb 07, 2009 20:40

.. to post again after about 6 months.

A lot has happened. A new school year has begun, obviously. It's hard and takes a lot of my time, but I can manage. Other than school, I still work and act. I'm in two plays at the moment *yay for me* and I'm auditioning for the third.. (although one of the two I'm in now is going to be over within 2 weeks..) :

Yep, the play is called Blauwe Liefde.  It's a school musical.. And one of the best things about it: dear Niah is coming to watch it! She's staying with me and that Saturday we're going to have a high tea & we're going shopping.
The other play I'm in is called Ontspoord. It's pretty nifty.

So yeah, that's my life lately... My cat had a litter of three 3 months ago, that was fun too :)

That was about it, I guess. I'm happy!
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