Jun 16, 2008 03:18
If you can believe it, Craig is gone. I said good bye. I said good luck. And I felt numb after the conversation. Completely numb. I was in shock that I actually went through with it. He was that one that will forever be with me. I promise that much. And we both had a lot to say to each other before it ended. Thankfully it did not end poorly. I am glad for that, however not having him at least on a backburner in my thoughts or inbox has not put a smile on my face. I will miss him. I will never say anything bad about him...except that he's an ass hole. ha.....he admits that openly. it's ok. Thank you for teaching me patience though. I will never regret him, and I will thank him for that at least. For making me feel like a queen and teaching me patience.
Will both said good bye (but hoped it wouldn't be forever) we kept each other's numbers....but I will not use his unless needed. and he can use mine in the future when has grown up and made some time. Until then......good bye.
Other than that....went to woodstock. long story short = interesting weekend. One hell of a rollercoaster.
I'm thinking about moving up there.....we shall see.
I applied for a state job...so a lot of my decisions are riding on whether i get that chance.
wish me luck.
well at work, gotta jet. adios.