Title: This Love
Pairing: Demi/Selena
Disclaimer: It's impossible to own Demi or Selena. This is fictional. Events never took place.
Summary: Selena can't give up on Demi even if it seems hopeless.
A/N: I couldn't sleep so I started to write this when I was listening to This Love by The Veronicas. It's just a short Drabble. I also made some artwork for the first time. Let me know what you think about it.
Without even opening her eyes Selena Gomez knew that Demi Lovato had left sometime before she woke up. She could feel the cold space beside her even when she was bundled up in her warmest comforter. It just wasn’t the same as waking up with a warm body pressed tightly against her own. It was something she had been forced to get used to as of late. Demi’s career was taking her all over the country as her new album brought her on tour. Selena’s own career pretty much kept her in LA most of the time while she worked on the newest season for Wizards.
She remembered a time when she used to wake up to Demi staring at her. The other girl claimed that it was because she was awed by Selena’s beauty. There was a time when Demi would be at every rehearsal and taping of Wizards. There was a time when Demi and Selena spent every waking moment possible with one another.
That was long gone.
Instead when Selena was lucky enough to get Demi all to herself it was only for a few hours and the other girl usually left before Selena woke up. She no longer woke to find Demi staring at her with a smile on her lips. Selena no longer came off set to find Demi waiting with words of encouragement.
Those days were over.
Everyone told Selena that she should find it in her to move on. Yet she couldn’t find the strength too. She was way to in love with Demi Lovato to give up that easily. No matter how many mornings she woke up knowing Demi wouldn’t be there didn’t mean she didn’t stop searching. No matter how many times she walked off set knowing Demi wouldn’t be there to tell her how amazing Selena had done didn’t stop her from hoping. Selena wasn’t ready for Demi to fade away.
Selena sighed as she buried her face in the pillow beside her. The other girls scent still lingered on the pillow. Selena breathed it in deeply as she didn’t know how long it would be until she got to see the other girl again. She couldn’t understand how Demi couldn’t see she was hurting every time she left. Out of everyone Selena knew Demi had always been the only one who could effortlessly read her. It was impossible for Selena to hid anything from the other girl because with one look Demi knew everything there was to know about Selena.
“I’m sorry.”
Selena’s head snapped up. She wasn’t expecting Demi to come back to the room. She wasn’t expecting to see Demi for weeks. Yet there she was standing in front of her. Selena was afraid to move. Afraid that Demi would disappear into thin air.
“I know I screwed up,” Demi told her as she moved closer.
Before Selena knew it Demi was sliding underneath the blanket. She wrapped her hands around older girls middle before resting her head on Selena’s neck.
“Don’t give up on me,” Demi mumbled.