My journal is almost empty. But it won't stay that way for long! I just started it up a few days ago; as a sister account to my main
elcisitiak to keep my drabbles and resources. I don't claim to be a great writer, most days I don't even claim to be decent or readable. Secretly I think I'm alright, but I wouldn't admit that in public. Unless that counts. In which case I just did. Anyway, name's Kaiti. I know how to use LJ cuts and have been accused of overusing them. I also know how to correctly use commas, semi-colons, Latin plurals, and the word anymore. I have a tendency to write random parts of random, unformed stories which never fully get written. I carry a notebook with me wherever I go (and I have terrible handwriting). I'm a little on the strange side and have a tendency to get lost in thought (unfamiliar territory and all). I'm a college sophomore, and my activity online varies with what I'm working on in school.
I write random drabbles about everything (or perhaps, nothing?) and I rarely finish what I begin unless I have encouragement to do so. I have been known to write erotica, but all pieces of such shall be well labeled with proper warnings. When I'm not working on a story I write short pieces to keep sharp (or at least as sharp as I've ever been), and practice character development, characterization, description, setting, and other miscellany. I keep lists of "useful" material in my journal as well, which any takers are free to borrow from. And this paragraph has been entirely speculative, as I've yet to post any real material other than lists of names.
If I haven't frightened you off yet, feel free to add me! I'll read as much as my time allows (which, I'm afraid, may not be much fairly soon, but I'll do my best - I promise!), and I'm not afraid to critique or point out errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation, word choice, mechanics, and anything else I notice.
So... add me?