Mar 12, 2008 07:12
Merry Greet,
My name is Allyson. I am an illustrator, graphic designer, innate writer and self-employed ARTrepreneur born, raised, and living in Southern California. I am an individual with a lot of creative energy and I enjoy expressing myself often through inventions, whimsical and fantasy-oriented concepts and ideas, metaphors and analogies, music, illustrations and many other modes.
I'd describe myself as intelligent, creative, productive, temperamental, analytical, introspective, eccentric and very expressive. Moreover, I enjoy interacting with others through the exchange of ideas and thoughts...especially if those elements go beyond "safe" or "conversative" realms of discussion. By this, I mean that I am very, and have always been, ever-curious naturally, so the more unusual a topic or an idea is, the more I am fascinated by exploring and understanding well as by individuals who share the same inclinations. This might reveal how multidimensional my voyeuristic inclination well as some etiologies behind this wiring.
In my journal, you'll find writings (sometimes very long) on self-reflection, random ideas, absurd but very metaphorical expressions in the form of short story, prose and/or statement...and thoughts on inspiration, emotional terrain, and events happening in my life, . I also create entries with questionnaires once in awhile and if I embed a meme or video into my post, it usually relates to what I will write about or reflect upon. Last but not least, I enjoy the gift of resource, so occasionally, I'll sprinkle interesting links or photos into my entries that function more like exposed Easter eggs.
I've been branching out lately to meet new people while staying connected with those who have been on my LiveJournal longer. I've been enjoying the process and the connections.
There was an inspiration to join this community through a desire to love to meet kindred people and to get to know others on a deeper level over time. If deeper connctions develops, I'd like to take friendship to the stage of chatting outside of LJ as well...for example through a messenger client, email and so forth. Additionally, I've started to place more focus on my writing again... As a result, I've been working on a few writing projects steadily and at some point, I am looking to well as augment a variety of my illustrations with writings that center on character descriptions, identities and fantasy world development.
I must mention that I am not a comment junkie, for the sake of being so, and I don't expect anyone else to be, but I certainly DO read all entries from the journals of people on my friends list and I do engage. You'll find moments of me commenting a lot if I have something to say or times where I will be more observant and quiet...but still present.