Happy Lunar New Year!

Jan 26, 2009 14:22

I have been asked by any number of students and others about new year's resolutions since the year began. I don't usually make one, but I decided that this year I would come up with a good resolution by Chinese New Year, and start it then (which is now).
Based on the fact that i have become more and more accustomed to spending all my free time lazing around my house, yet keep complaining about not being able to meet (attractive and available?) men, my resolution this year is ...

...to be more (pro)active.

What this means is "go out more." And not only just go out, but actually call coworkers or other girls i've met, and try to spend time with them again, instead of just hoping they might invite me to do something someday.

It is my hope that by implementing this resolution i can accomplish two things:
1. get a date
2. lose about 15 lbs (6ish kg for those thinking in metric)

I have to stop saying "i'm going to go dancing tonight" and then end up deciding to stay in with my computer instead.
I have to eat out more instead of cooking too much food at home and eating it all at once because i hate leftovers. (eating out is actually usually cheaper, unless alcohol is involved)
I have to read books in cafes instead of in my futon and kotatsu.
I have to buy some socks. (and other clothes and things i keep putting off because i just don't want to bother with streets full of other shopping humans)
I have to get some better grease for my bicycle so it works well enough that i feel happy riding it, and then take it out more often, even when i lack a destination.
I have to go out for a drink now and again, instead of telling myself it's okay not to go out becuase it's a worknight. One drink doesn't even have to take until 10pm!

I have to stop writing this list now before i wallow into the land of PMS-self-bashing.
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