I've decided to put all my recipes online, since I lost most of them when my computer crashed. And of course, it's always nice to share something that works.
For those who are easily scared off by the herbs and spices: they're a good investment. Once you've got your shelf stacked with them, you can make really cheap dishes that taste and look fabulous. I've also added links to wikipedia pages of ingredients I'm not sure everyone knows.
All recipes are for 1 person, except if noted.
1: Instant chicken tandoori with 2 salads
Ingredients for 2 people:
1 chicken filet of about 120g
2 lemons
2 red onions
1 red paprika
1 clove of garlic
cashew nuts200g potatoes
8 yellow cherry tomatoes (or just two plain tomatoes)
1 lime
fresh mint
fresh parsley
1/2 cucumber
1/2 courgette
1 pink grapefruit
green cardemom seeds
chili powder
curry leaves
Tandoori curry paste (I use
oil (nothing too strong-flavoured, so arachide oil is great)
1 small plastic freezer bag
Instant chicken tandoori
Put your chicken or turkey fillet in a small freezer bag. Add the juice of one lemon and take the seeds out of eight kardemom pods. Let it rest in the frigde for about 40 minutes.
Meanwhile, peal and cook the potatoes.
While you're waiting for the potatoes to be cooked, cut the onion, paprika and garlic in small cubes. Chop the cherry tomatoes in half. Put all this aside.
Then start on the salad. Wash the cucumber and courgette, and slide off one side. Use a potato pealer to peal off long parts, like leaves. Then skin the grapefruit and pick out the parts. Put them in a bowl with the courgette and cucumber. Chop up the parsley (or take some from a bottle) and add to the bowl. Take a glass and put in two tablespoons of clear oil (salad oil), the juice of one lemon and one small spoon of honey. Mix it, throw in a teeny bit of chili powder, and mix it with the content of the bowl. Put in the fridge so it stays nice and cool.
Take the potatoes off the fire, let them dry a little then chop them in bits. Add some of the raw onion and chopped fresh mint. Skin the lime and pick out the parts, and mix them in. You can also make this dish cold.
Heat the oil and bake the curryleaves and the cashew nuts until you can see the nuts are colouring. Add the remaining onion (that you didn't use for the potatoes) and the garlic, and stir-fry until the onion is soft. Cut the chicken/turkey in small parts and stifry with the rest till it starts to colour. Add the paprika, cherry tomatoes and a small spoon of curry paste, and stir-fry till the mass has dried a little. Add two tablespoons of cream.
2. Scampi-wheat dish with salad
6 small prawns (not those with the tails on, because that gets messy)
30g uncooked
wheat1/2 iceberg salad
2 stronkjes witlof (which would be
belgian endive in English, apparently)
1 firm pear
some fresh koriander leaves
6 curryleaves
1 tablespoon of
black mustard seeds1 small spoon of ginger powder
1 small spoon of ground
cumin1 small spoon of chili powder
1 very large tablespoon of chili powder (unless you don't like your shrimp spicy :P)
1 small spoon of garlic powder
2 small spoons of soft curry powder
1 small spoon of
sambal oelek Heat a tablespoon of oil in a pan (wok, preferably). Add the mustard seeds and curry leaves, and wait for the seeds to start popping. Add the uncooked wheat and the ginger, chili (one small spoon) and cumin. Stirfry for about two minutes. While you're doing this, if you've got a water heater, you can already heat the water, that way when you pour in the water to cook the wheat, it'll take less time. So, after a couple of minutes (when the wheat is getting a little brown) add the water and cook for about 10 minutes.
While the wheat is cooking, chop the iceberg in bits, slide the witloof as well (as thinly as you like it), then slice the pear (again, as thinly as you like it). Chop up the koriander leaves and mix it in a bowl (you can add a table spoon of mayonnaise or, if you're not a fan, just a bit of lemon to keep the witlof white).
Let the wheat dry for a bit after it's cooked, and meanwhile do the prawns: heat a bit of oil, bake the prawns for about a minute, then add the curry, garlic and chili powder (as much as you like of that). Stir-fry for another two minutes, then add the sambal oelek and lower the heat. Let them bake on one side for two minutes, then turn them to the other side for another minute.
At the last, add in the wheat and a bit of butter, stir again till all the butter's gone and serve.