Dutch politician Geert Wilders made a short film (about ten minutes) to warn people about the dangers of islam. Since we've all been waiting for it with our breaths held (and no, that wasn't sarcasm), I thought I'd put it up. It's led to some very interesting discussions lately about the limits to freedom of speech, and whether Wilders will be responsible for any violent reaction as a result of this.
Warning: It does have some graphic violence, including a beheading towards the end. The first couple of minutes are relatively safe though, and they give you a pretty good idea of the film's tone and gist.
Click to view
You can find more info on the film
Wilders is an ugly fuck.
'Fitna' apparently means 'strife' or chaos, and is used to denote internal conflict in the Dar al-islam; this is the muslim world. So it's not the same as Jihad, which is used for conflicts between muslims and non-muslims. It can also mean 'test', 'civil war', 'revolt' and 'schism'.