Sep 07, 2005 22:06
I MIGHT BE WORKING AT SCHUCKS!! Took a stupid test today, i did above average. Berni said i did better than most but not as good as some. fuckin awesome dude. that would be cool to work there. my first real job working with car stuff. that would kick ass. fun shit man. the only thing that was negative today was jana and i talking about moving out. but i think we came up with a solution to that one. me chris and ryan have our own appartment and jana elysia and melissa have there own next door. that would be pimp. then i can keep my word to ryan and still be REALLY close to jana. so thats taken care of....i hope. then i can get the fuck out of this house. i cant fucking wait. it will be so goddamn cool. chris just needs to get his license and then him and ryan both need cars. dont need to be anything special just something to get them to work and back. but i gotta go. PEACE NIGGAZ!
P.S.) I LOVE YOU TOO JANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!