Aug 18, 2011 23:55
So...Livejournal...I've come to apologize. Not for my absence, but for the time I actually spent on here. I cannot even read the garbage that was written, because it seems to be in some kind of homo-ebonic language. I am a completely different person these days.
This will be my last update. No one reads this shit, anyways. But, for those interested, here is my last few years since I've last updated: graduated, "girlfriend", moved, girlfriend, DUI, HELL, moved, shit job, moved...and that's that. Things aren't so bad these days, but I ain't telling you shit (okay, I am in an undefined relationship with a girl I liked in high school, and I am training to be a cage fighter................) Yeah, that's it. I'm not going to delete this, because some day I want my children's children to give me hell for how fucking retarded I was.
Adam "The Not So Great, But Who the Fuck Cares"
P.S. - This is really the end.
P.P.S. - In my defense, I used words like "shizit" and stuff way before they were trendy...god I hate myself.
P.P.S.S. - I still like limenetto cat.