(no subject)

Jul 25, 2005 03:04

Dear Assholes,

I "IMpranked" UGA's college radio station. It is sad that this is my greatest accomplishment of the year:

Prank started at 01:41 AM on 25 Jul 2005.

t0uchback93369(01:31:02): Hey wuogger I am listening from Washington
wuogger(01:31:13): hey there
t0uchback93369(01:31:23): what r u up to?
t0uchback93369(01:32:41): hello? i just want to talk to u for a bit
wuogger(01:33:02): doing some djing, you know
t0uchback93369(01:33:16): i dont mean to bother u but i found ure sn on my buddy list for reason
wuogger(01:33:33): oh, we're a college radio station in athens georgia
t0uchback93369(01:33:43): have you tried the new coke with lime? it's pretty good
wuogger(01:34:30): oh yea, put the lime in the coke you nut. I'm all about it
t0uchback93369(01:34:43): pepsi is way better than coke
wuogger(01:35:18): probably not
t0uchback93369(01:35:32): are you any good with computers? I am pretty illiterate when it comes to computers, haha
t0uchback93369(01:36:15): :-p
t0uchback93369(01:36:40): ???
wuogger(01:37:43): so you're a touchback huh?
t0uchback93369(01:37:49): please talk, i'll be good lol
wuogger(01:38:09): I so will, ROFL!!!!!!!!
t0uchback93369(01:38:18): lol
wuogger(01:38:26): lamo
t0uchback93369(01:38:35): u ok over there? lol
wuogger(01:38:58): sawries, I'm goofed up ever since I got back from the doctor today
t0uchback93369(01:39:09): aww dont leave me
t0uchback93369(01:40:21): helol? i just want to talk to u for a bit
t0uchback93369: You have been talking to a computer! One of your friends is reading the whole conversation and laughing it up right now! GET EVEN! Have the bot prank all your friends by visiting imprank.ebaumsworld(dot)com

Man. Wuogger sucks!

Your pal,
Adam the Great
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