(no subject)

Aug 14, 2006 11:57

I have'nt been feeling very well the last couple of days. Last week I started to feel sick, then thursday morning felt like I was going to throw-up. Went to work on Friday and still felt like crap, did a whole bunch of stuff after work. Then Saturday when I work up in the morning I started throwing up. So I called off work and tried to get better but sunday it was the same thing. And today I still feel like crap and my whole body keeps shaking. I took adam to work and he is going to stay there till I get off at 9 pm. But when I took him to work his boss and friends at work said that I was pregnant. Which I dont think I am but it is very possible. Cause it just is the fact that weds. was the last time me and adam. But then again it could also be the flu. I just dont know what to do and I really dont feel well at all. I have to go to work now. Bye, love always and forever. stace. 
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