Jul 10, 2005 16:33
Oh yeah ñ I´m in Spain! This might be a little tricky, using a Spanish keyboard that is, i keep hitting the wroung button because it is either different or it´s smaller like the delete button.
€_€´ This is goig to be tricky.
So yes we got it ok and as soon as we arrived we found out about the bomnbs that had gone off in central London, I hope yu are all ok and that none you know was there.
Ok into the Zaragoza ariport fine and Luis (The guy we are staying with) picked us up in his Car, he took us to Central Zaragoza because where he lives is far aw ay from Zaragoza (Like an hour and a half.) So we went into Zaragoza and had our first experiance of "Spanish-ness", Zaragoza was quite nice and interesting, also it was interesting seeing the "Gyptses" that where all Latin American looking and their style was just like Latino´s style aswell.
Trasmoz is the mountain village we are staying in, it´s really .... Quaint and old and so sereotypical of a small old Spanish village that you see in postcards and on TV programs about ´escaing to Spain´. It´s nice although everyone stares at you because they never have foreign people here and hardly any Spanish tourist even come here. It´s kinda eerie the way that same people blatently stare at you in the small towns around here.
The view is AMAZING around here; mountains to one side and to the other endless hills and bumpy wheat feilds as far as you can see, which often isn´t that far becasue a big hill or two cut your view short. They have lots of Energy windmills around here and too right too, as soon as you walk up a big hill you almost get blown off.
Been a lazy few days, been to the closest town ´Lituenigo´ or maybe it was ´Grisel´, those are the two closest towns.... They have nice pastries there anyway. Also been to a Town called ´Santa Cruz´, Luis told us that it wants to be called a city but it only has 11´000 people living there. Luis drove us around alot but at the moment he is at a fair selling his woodwork... i think ^^` He´s been gone since Friday and gets back tomorrow or thisevening, Luis also lives with a guy called Oscar who speaks Spanish, German and French but not English, he knows a few words though and he seems really nice. Just shows how dump English people are, not learning languages... Though i´m learning Japanese and if i knew the same amount of Spanish i Would beable to get by easily... *Trys to act as if he isn´t a dump Englsih person*
Thats one really nice thing about being in a Mountain Village in Northen Spain, you don´t have annoying British people, you know the type that go to another Country and then just eat "Bristish" food and lay on the beach or drink endlessly and act asthough the own everything. I hate that type of "England away from England" it´s where you get all those yobes... But instead i´m in a village were most of teh people are like 100 years old and stare openly at you... sometimes... Oh I sound like i´m not having a good time, which i am and i do like it here alot and it´s very cool and nice and the weather is nice. It´s so nice to be away from my life for awhile and just laze around and read by book, it´s a really good book, it´s by a Japanese Author and it´s called Out and it´s about these housewives working the night-shift in a lunch box factory and then one of them murders her husband and the others help her get rid of the body.
*Looks up at the amount hew has wrote*
Hehe, i´m ranting aren´t I? ¿¿ <-(¡El Coolio!)
It´s just nice to be on the internet again :P and being able to write about whats been going on in my crazy little head of daydreams.
So yeah Viva España!
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