Jul 06, 2005 20:58
Yeah so i should be in Spain now, BUT I am not because... welll here's the story:
We got up early, Grandma picked us up fine, we had everything, it was all fine. We got there and had to wait awhile to check in and that was ok, we had breakfast in this pub place and then Sasha and I went to the Arcade and played games waiting for them (Jason&Sharon) to tell us when to go to the airoplane checkin thing, but they by the time they did it was 9:45 and our Plane lefted at 10:00, so we had to rush, get through the metal decter and bad scanning thing and then run along all the long long corridors and when we got to our gate it was too late becasue they had stopped baording a few minitues before and had removed out bags from the Airoplane....... But yes the reason we missed the plane was because Dad was in the toilet for so long...... But it's ok becasue we have now got tickets for tomorrow, it costed almost as much again and then Grandma picked us up and brought us back to Sharon's, so now we have to do the samething tomorrow but actually get on the plane this time....
Yes so, Hopefully I'll be in Spain tomorrow and I will be back on the 20th!