Reminder: AdamCon / Nerdly MD

Jun 18, 2008 13:48

AdamCon is my little house con on June 28-29.

I suspect we'll have five different gaming slots (three Saturday, two Sunday) and two games offered in each slot.
  • I am running D&D 4E on Saturday night and Verge on Sunday. I'm willing to run my old stand-bys: My Life with Master, Dogs in the Vineyard, The Shab-al-Hiri Roach, and Polaris (first time for me).
  • Daniel is running Misspent Youth, plus either In a Wicked Age or Bliss Stage, whichever appeals more to folks. He might be tempted to run Trail of Cthulhu on-the-fly.
  • Robert is running Primetime Adventures and a playtest of his werewolf game.
  • Jon has offered to run Primetime Adventures, too.
  • zipht is running at least one of these -- Burning Wheel, Covenant, Universalis -- depending on people's interest.

So far, attendees include...

Saturday and Sunday: indie_insurgent, dikaiosunh, snarlingbadger (maybe Sunday), nevern, jon_ezra, zipht (@story-games), kimberle, jeisen, Anik

Saturday only: histoire, mayir, dexlira, godessdiana (some Sunday)

Sunday only: somelady (@story-games) and husband, Jeffrey Hosmer (@story-games) and Mona (his wife)

Looks like enough for two five-player (incl. GM) games at a time, right now.

I'm unsure if the following people are coming (they usually do): surubee, bobson, haranalee, csthomas1311.

If you're attending and you're not on a the "attendees" list, let me know. No RSVP is necessary, but I like to plan anyway.
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