Aug 27, 2007 22:05
This summer sucked. I really didn't get anything done, though it was nice to see my friends in Florida all in all it was no good for me. Finally now school is going again and things are starting to pick up. I've got 5 classes, all somehow Japan related - an intro to Japanese linguistics, a modern literature course (english), a classical Japanese course, a newspaper/magazine reading course, and a Japanese sociolinguistics course. All of them are interesting so far and at least with the newspapers course my Japanese should advance somewhat (though my speaking is slowly getting rougher - I need to make a point of speaking more). I'm planning on taking the JLPT this year and going for the 2nd level (1st level is really hard, so I don't know if I could make it). The anime club is very lively as well, so it looks like this semester will be interesting.
I'm kinda thinking about what I should do after I graduate next year (hopefully in spring, but summer at the latest). I want to go to Japan so I'm thinking of applying for JET (the non-teacher part of it, though). My other thoughts are a)grad school or b)real job in Japan. I really like what I'm studying so grad school doesn't look so bad, aside from the fact that my degree is one of those "what you make of it" types which could land me in Starbucks if I'm not careful. Well, not really, because at worst I'll just work for one of the ubiquitous Japanese English companies. I've heard that can suck but a lot of people do it to and then get better jobs anyway, and besides it would mean I could be in Japan, which is absolutely my next goal. In any case, I'm thinking of the future at least. I just hope it all comes together decently.
Sucky thing: I have a 7:30am class. Good thing: not tomorrow, only MWF. Sucky thing: I'm still completely worn out from today.