All of the following is by I take no credit for this work or research what so ever, I just feel that it should be posted as many places as is possible. Please read and consider what it says.
FACT: Not everyone who would need an abortion is a feckless, irresponsible slut as republicans try to frame it. What about Harlequin Fetus Syndrome? Under republican law, a woman with an infant suffering from this horrid, fatal affliction would be forced to carry it to term anyway. Don’t think that’s so bad? Go Google Harlequin Fetus Syndrome. What about the woman who's husband suddenly picks up and leaves? What if she loses her job and suddenly can't afford a child? What if the condom broke and she didn't want a child? What about a woman who is impregnated after being violently gang-raped. According to republicans, none of these women should have any choice at all, not even at the stage where it's just a clump of cells. The "feckless, irresponsible slut" bogey-woman of Republican contrivance is an extreme rarity.
FACT: Republican framing paints themselves as pro-baby-saving and the opposition as pro-baby-killing. No sane person on this planet is out there going YAY ABORTIONS! It’s a thoroughly rotten, miserable issue from every angle and no one “likes” it. But as the republicans try to frame it, anyone who isn’t 100% against women’s reproductive rights is a “baby killing monster.”
FACT: A clump of cells that might become a human is NOT a human and preventing it from developing into one is NOT murder. Murder is defined as taking another human’s life unjustifiably. Ending the process of cell division CANNOT be compared to murdering a fully formed baby and certainly not an adult who has feelings, senses, relationships, and a full life.
FACT: Late term abortions ARE ILLEGAL IN ALL CASES in many states, even if the mother’s health is at risk. That's right. There are states in this country where women who could have been saved by emergency extraction DIE. In less draconian states, late term abortions are illegal except if it is absolutely required to save the mother’s life and even then, it is the very last of all last resorts. Republicans want us to think that there are doctors all across the country wantonly slaughtering viable infants because some crazy bitches changed their minds at the very last second. That is a lie they tell to make you afraid so they can grab more and more control.
FACT: Republicans have been whittling away at, hindering, and outright objecting to proper sex education for decades. Yet this very thing provably leads to increased unwanted teen pregnancies which often results in abortions. If republicans REALLY cared about the lives of fetuses, you think they would come to see the logic and importance of teaching teens about safe sex. Of course, republicans aren’t exactly known for their logic. FACT: YOU CANNOT STOP TEENS FROM HAVING SEX. Therefore it is logical to arm them with a proper education so they will be less likely to get pregnant and less likely to seek abortions.
FACT: Republicans are presently trying cut, defund, or outright eliminate programs that help children after they are born. Republicans have even gone to far as to oppose legislation that would provide poor and special needs children with healthcare they wouldn't otherwise get.
FACT: Republicans have even tried to make women pay for their own rape kits to the tune of almost a thousand dollars. So not only would they make a rape victim pay to be examined by a doctor, but they would force her to carry the baby to term at which point the woman would either condemn it to a life of being bounced around foster homes and orphanages or raise it herself, being reminded everyday that the child is the product of rape. Maybe some women are so strong they could love the child wholly and provide it a great life. But women SHOULD HAVE the right to make that choice.
And then there is this: [link]
FACT: Conservatives and republicans along with their gimpy, democrat whipping-bitches are rapidly taking away all our civil liberties. You think they'll stop at reproductive rights? They're trying to cut your social security which YOU PAID INTO. They are trying to disband Unions, cut Medicare, Medicaid, education, and even jobs. Now isn't the time for limp-wristed half measures or civility. We are past the time of civility. Civility is not effective against rabid, right-wing extremism. GET UP, GET ANGRY, AND GET NASTY.
Abortion is horrible but we're never going to stop by outlawing it. It's human nature. If we illegalize it then women just go and have illegal abortions. Not only does that often kill, injure, and maim women, but it also criminalizes women who are otherwise upstanding citizens, some of whom only got pregnant through rape and incest or were promptly abandoned by the father, left to deal with the prospects of a child, alone, on a shoe-string budget.
What we need to focus on is proper education about safe sex and trying to teach people to exercise discipline, discretion, and restraint. Masses of people impulsively commit sexual acts without taking due precautions and too often it results in unwanted children. There are few things more tragic than an unwanted child. But by illegalizing abortion, we're not really accomplishing much, we're not addressing the underlying issues. We must address the infection first, ~then~ the cut.
We need better parenting, common sense, restraint, discipline, and better education. We need to contend with class imbalance and poverty which are by no coincidence, bound inexorably to unwanted pregnancies. You can say we need more God but that doesn't seem to be working. If there even is a god, I don't think he-she-it-they would want us to use him-her-it-them as a crutch, I think he-she-it-they would want us to be responsible, strong and mature, to deal with these issues using the tools he-she-it-they gave us; our intellect, our common sense, our compassion. But there probably is no god so fuck that argument.
We need to step up as human beings, as individuals, not as politicians trying to control the uncontrollable from afar; meddling with issues that hardly affect them from the safety and comfort of their golden castles.
LET ME MAKE THIS ABUNDANTLY CLEAR!!! This is not about "glorifying abortion." If you have gotten this far and somehow extrapolated that ridiculous idea, you are Dumb with a capital D. I have made it abundantly clear that abortion is a remarkably shitty issue and NO ONE LIKES IT. NO ONE is out there extolling the joys and wonder of abortion! NO ONE. This is about CHOICE.
/my 2 cents.
Relevant links:
[link] (Huffpost on Planned Parenthood operations.)
[link] (Abortion is not something people do lightly.)
[link] (MSNBC: Republicans are insane.)
[link] (youtube: Republicans get owned on)