DCP_0607 Originally uploaded by
jigarne. As long as the moon shall rise
As long as the rivers flow
As long as the sun shall shine and the grass will grow
Let me listen I will learn to speak the old language, yes I yearn
To bathe in blue skies and fall apart from the world of machines,
Regain my feet and my pounding heart
No do not be fooled we don't need these things
Don't be slaves to hardtack, sugar or the coffee or the bacon fat
Won't give our hearts away not for that not today
I was sent
this article by one of my aunts which is basically a profile of another of my aunts. I was personally really moved by it. Perhaps because it talks about my aunt, and my grandpa who has passed. I just found it really moving, others reading it will probably not find it as much so as I did, but I just thought I would share it with you all. The music that bookends this post came on while I was reading the article, and it always reminds me of my grandpa whenever I hear it (I realize it's mostly about Native Americans, but the connection with the past theme reminds me of him okay...) The picture is of the farm talked about in the article.
Won't trade my pony for the iron rail
Bare-back fresh track down the game trail
Spring strong sweet tall green grass-
Free wide run wild river flow-
Clear sky moonrise long ride home