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jigarne. Poker night went poorly for me, I went out pretty quickly on the first table I was at. It went pretty well for Dave who went to the last table. This is the first night I've played and not placed out of three nights I've still got a pretty good record.
For a complete segue job hunting is pretty frustrating. I know of jobs that I could get with a fair amount of ease, I've even been offered my old job at Target sans interview, but having gone to school for seven years I think I should aim for something that I'll be happy with. I guess the thing is I don't know what I would be happy with. My favorite quote from anything as far as jobs go is from the TV show Keen Eddie "Find a job you love and you'll never work another day in your life." I guess it's just a matter of finding that job. The most interesting job I've applied for so far is to be one of the living historical actors at
Colonial Williamsburg. I think it would be an enormously interesting job however I'm not sure it has much of a career path for me. In their application process they seemed very interested in acting skills, and the last time I acted it was for a skit in an
Odyssey of the Mind competition either sophomore or junior year, I'm not sure. They did ask about some skills that I do possess in the application process. They asked about weapons experience, which I guess I have two years of, not necessarily the specific weapons they might be interested in, but I did perform a choreographed sword fight for a martial arts demonstration so I counted my martial arts weapons training for something. They also asked about stage combat and choreography. I've practiced martial arts for approximately 10 years and have performed in several choreographed demonstrations in the course of that time so I think that gives me something. Granted the training I had isn't what was going on in 1700's America, but it's an analogue. They were also interested in horseback-riding ability, which is something I've done on an occasional basis since I can't remember on the farm. All this combined with my history major might make me a viable candidate for employ with them, who knows.
Pat is getting anxious about whether I'm going to be working here in Omaha or somewhere else. I can't really blame him. His home is connected to my place of living and if I change that he has to find a new abode. It's not like he would be thrown out on the street when I move, but I'm sure the uncertainty of my job search troubles him somewhat, or perhaps more than that. I am looking for jobs nationally though I am concentrating mostly on the Omaha metro area, I'm not confining myself to it as was indicated by the above paragraph. I wish I could let him know a solid date on when I would be moving, but I can't since I myself do not know even if I will be moving.
As another segue I got tired of looking at job postings today so I went downtown and started to take some pictures. This could be attributed to the Zombie game Aaron just got, but I have always kind of liked taking landscape pictures for a while and I was looking for an excuse to get out of the house. I think there were some better pictures I could have taken had I had a zoom lens or better yet a SLR camera, but hey, you have to make due with what you have. You can get to all my pictures via clicking on the picture in the upper right hand corner of this post.
Once again we're bouncing along segue path. I'm thinking I should volunteer at the
Douglas County Historical Society while I'm looking for permanent employ. It's in the field of work I'm interested in, and as such I should have probably been doing such volunteer work for past 2 to 4 years, but as some great sage said at one point "better late than never" I'm going to contact them and try to get something going. If nothing else it would be resume fodder and at best it's a pretty good networking opportunity.