An Update

May 31, 2022 22:10

All the things have been happening.  Short ish, because I really need to go to bed.  (such a lie!  Still writing 30 minutes later.  Sorry it's so long)

First, I got a new puppy.  Another GSD from the breeder down the road.  Born March 15th, and I got him about May 15th.  This one is a little boy named Balky.  He's very large (even though he was the littlest), a bit hairy, and very happy.  Also, sleeps a lot.  lol  He's been going to the clinic during the day.  Decided to sleep outside at night all on his own about 5 days ago (yay).  Still will pee in the house if I'm not watching so carefully.  Had to gate off the front room so he can't go pee in my bathroom (the little shit).

Balky with Sally.  Kitty was off chasing a ball.

Second, Zabacaxi, my horse in training, went to his first big boy show.  Poor guy had never spent the night anywhere else, so he was nervous, and was calling.  A lot, apparently.  lol  But it got better as the weekend went on.  I saw videos, and he really was doing his best to listen to C, even though he was obviously nervous.

Three day show-first day he was in 4th level, more to give him some experience, but he did okay.

Second day he did 4th, then Prix St Georges.  And he got 65%, won his class, and it was his first qualifying score for regionals!  Woot!

Third day he still won his class, but it wasn't quite high enough for a qualifying score (62%, maybe? I forgot).

So, really good for a boy who has barely been off the farm.  We're hoping in the next few shows he'll be able to be more confident and focus better.

I was so happy they didn't shorten his mane.  He's Iberian, so it's completely within his breed to keep the long mane and braid it up as opposed to cutting it short like most other breeds do.

From his test.

Zabacaxi with his trainer, C.  (She's the assistant trainer to the main guy JP, but she's the one who rides Zabacaxi)

I have to say that I was a little upset about other people's reaction to the news.  Obviously talking to JP about it all was good, and my sister was definitely happy for us when I texted her.  I mentioned it to one choir buddy, and she was happy for me.  But the girls that I spend most of my time with, at the clinic, were kind of meh.  Which, I thought they would be, but you know when you're happy for things they do that you don't care about, but they don't reciprocate?  And yeah, it's a bit of a first world problem, but my horse in training is just like your brat in private school or college, so it doesn't make me a snob. (although I try to not talk about it much because I think people would think that). /whine

BTW, the front of my church was so pretty last Sunday.

And that afternoon I spent time outside with the dogs.  Have been doing that a bit more so I can spend time with Sally as well as the GSD's.  Also, it's nice.  And I can read a book while incessantly throwing a ball for Kitty.

Yes, that is an aluminum bench usually used for construction.  I am high class.  lol

Also, a few weekends ago I was supposed to go to the pilates for dressage clinic (May and Sept when it's not canceled), but it was canceled.  Then, turns out there was a dressage schooling show that weekend, so great, I could go to that.  But, the Monday before, canceled because not enough entries.  OMGWTFBBQ!  So I'm frustrated because I was hoping to get some good feedback before I went to the show in July where I'm hoping to get my 3rd level scores.  The schooling shows give me an idea of what scores I might be getting, and the pilates lady is very blunt about how we're moving.  Just disappointed.  And tired.  And puppy has taken all my spoons.  And Sally is old.

And my car/Sasha is overheating and needs a regular maintenance as well.  Taking her in Thursday.  She's 14 years old, so she has some issues, as we all do as we age.  I go to an independent shop, and they're very used to car weirdos.  I'm sure they love me and my volvo.  (even if I wanted to go to a volvo place, the closest one is two hours away, and is closed on weekends). Also, this place always has awesome cars either being worked on or in the indoor storage.

Thank God I have my truck/Gracie for these times.  (Gracie also has bluetooth so I can listen to podcasts in stereo. shhh, don't tell Sasha).

Finally, I have found the Antiques Road Trip channel on Pluto TV.  And I really don't watch much of anything else now.  It is so much fun, and they have little side trips for history lessons of all sorts. /advertisement

tv, farm, horses, dogs, choir, pics

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