
Apr 21, 2022 15:49

I've been thinking about writing this for the last four days, but there are all the things to do.

So, until about 2010 I thought Easter was one day.  A Sunday where everyone wears new clothes, the kids get sick on candy, and oh yeah, Jesus is alive.  That's how I grew up in the churches I went to.  I knew about Carnivale and Mardi Gras, and had heard of Lent, but had no idea WTF it was all about.  Isn't Christmas the big holiday?

Then, in 2010, I joined the Episcoal church here, and found out that it was a whole freaking thing!  The first year I wasn't in choir, and didn't go to the extra Holy Week services, so it wasn't too different from before, but at least I knew why there was no allelujah.

The next year I started in the choir, so I went to several more services than I went to before.  Things like evensong, Ash Wednesday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Vigil.  Overwhelming, really, with the services and music. Year after year I've continued in the choir, but also got more used to and into the services and what they meant.  And meant to me.

Now, I do still skip the prayer services M/T/W, and usually don't go to the stations of the cross Friday afternoon (I've gone three times).  But, this is now my favorite holiday, even though by the end of it I am as wrung out as the next musical church person.  I look forward to the prayer vigil after the Maundy Thursday service (people sign up to pray for an hour from ~9pm through to the 12pm Good Friday service the next day).  I get to hear the noises of the nave as the volunteers and clergy finish up, and then the quiet in the slightly dark room.  I will examine the beams, the stone, the lights, I have walked in between the pews.  Usually by the end I'm wearing sweats, a vest, and a coat because it gets cold!  But I love it.

The cool thing about that service, besides the foot washing, is that at the end the altar is stipped, and we all take off our vestments.  Good Friday is coming.

Good Friday service is at noon, and there's usually a fair number of people, all silent.  The choir and clergy are all wearing black, and the passion is read.  Near the end a bell tolls.

Easter vigil Saturday night is my favorite service of the year.  Even though I always forget how long it is. Starts with candles, then there's lighting a fire with flint, and lighting candles we're holding, and the deacon chanting.  Then a lot of readings. ;)  Then Bam! bells, and singing, and HIGH NOTES, and the brass instruments and we get to ring the bells we've been holding onto since the start of service.  Then the altar guild brings all the things back to the altar because Jesus is risen, hallelujah. And then some more service. lol  But really, this is my favorite service because of all the things.  (And the high from singing ALL THE HIGH NOTES certainly doesn't hurt.)

Then Sunday morning (still slogging away....) we have the Easter Sunday service.  And see all the people we haven't seen since last Easter. ;)  It's still fun, because there is singing, and high notes, not to mention the potluck afterwards.  And we get to put flowers in a wire cross-Jesus is risen.  :)  But, to me, it doesn't have the same meaning and impact that Saturday night does.

Then we're done.  And the clergy disappear for a week, and the choir gets the Wed off from pracice.  Ready for next Sunday.

I'm so happy I joined this church, and very happy I got to go back to choir.  Would I have gone to all these services had I not had to for choir?  May have taken longer for me to get around to it.

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