OMG, Adam Savage just built a titanium Iron Man suit that is so very awesome, and now he's firing bullets at it! Oh crap, next they're going to try to blow it up. Nooooo!!!!!
OMG, the armor protected the burst disc from a deadly explosion pressure wave. Wow.
eee! And now he's going to fly in it. (with extra flight suit jet flows stuff).
Kitty is a dork. Sometimes she'll do this when I'm not paying attention, and then I'll throw a wet ball unknowingly. Yeah, water everywhere.
Click to view
Saturday morning I went out to let the horses out, and saw this, but with police and fire trucks:
WTF? That is the garage. The double wide trailer and porch burnt to the ground. I had already been out that morning to feed. How did I not notice?!?!?! lolol
ETA: I am pretty sure no one has lived there for several months, so no one was hurt.
Rex's turn at the vet Tuesday. He was not fond of the teeth floating (they use a drill to grind down sharp edges), but he was sedated, so it was more of a slow backwards lean. Pretty funny.
And finally, this was the cover of my breed magazine this month. (IALHA) I wonder if they did this on purpose, or just didn't notice? BABY HORSE DERP!!
Okay, maybe not a true derp, but it sure looks like it!