This weekend

May 21, 2018 19:07

This weekend my coach K, myself, and K's helper girl went to the Pilates for dressage clinic in NM. This was our second time-the first was two years ago almost exactly.

We stayed at her mom's house again, which is fun. But this time it was held at a different farm, and I got to stable my horse there, which was cool because the guest stalls were *right by the arena*. Both good and bad because I could see mine and a few other horses the whole time we were supposed to be paying attention for the mat class part in the morning. lolol Also, the farm next door was holding a jumper show that you could just see out the corner. (The arena was covered, but didn't have walls).

I don't exactly look forward to the clinics because it's a lot of work mentally and physically. But, we learn a lot, and we both move better.

Sorry, no pictures or video. I don't have a video camera, and I generally forget to take pictures of things.
Did get some take home prizes in some very sore muscles, including my neck, and then loot from the tack store! We got the time to go to both of them. I now have hay hooks!

Oh, on the second day during a walk break during the riding session Zolar was looking out at the pasture next door, and totally just walked over the PVC pipe 'fence' knocking it all over. lol What a dork. Luckily nothing broke, and we all got a good laugh. Yeah, my horse is a dork, I'm so proud.

Also, as usual, in a new place he had a lot more energy. We did a lot of canter in warm up out in the warm up arena. And there was one point where I'm not sure our canter depart included his front legs on the ground at all. lol

Day 1-Circles are actually forward-outside hind, sideways-inside hind, forward-outside hind, sideways-inside hind, so if you half halt after the side ways step to keep them from continuing sideways, it makes a nicer circle.
He tends to haunches fore going straight on the long side.

Day 2-Inside Shoulder down and back on canter circle.
Spiral shoulders commensurate with the size of circle.
Hands down. Don’t be afraid to work inside rein.
May think a little spiral on straight to keep him relaxed.
I need to stay relaxed back no matter what, especially when we’re tired. And don’t lean forward.
Keep armpits engaged. The rein comes through the forearm that is the extension cord, and to the armpit that is the socket.
Inside to outside. Use inside leg even if you have to leg yield him out.
Work his head down just a little more.
He tends to try to flip my seat up on right canter lead, so really make sure to keep my pelvis up and sit back on the butt.

Lateral movement can help eg to get his neck down more and to relax.

Remember: T Rex arms are a good thing.

Had today and Friday off. Today I basically did nothing, but read, and watch some Restart work tomorrow.

exercise, dressage, horses

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