
Apr 25, 2018 21:33

Had people missing from choir tonight including our director. lol Some were at master chorale practice for their concert this weekend, and M was at a conference.
Funny enough, there are several people in our choir who are music teachers, so one subbed.
Also, luckily, the one song I was kind of not looking forward to had been taken out. Whee!

Riding lesson yesterday. K watched us do trot figure 8's, and said I was totally collapsing on my left. And then when we did square corners, I didn't do as well on the left turns because I was collapsing on my left. argh! I think I fixed the right, and totally missed that the left was worse? No clue. So will be working on that.

Also worked on a canter change of lead through trot. We realized that I had been dropping to trot way too early because of where I was sighting to figure out where X was. Oops. The centerline and I need to develop a better relationship. :)

exercise, choir, riding

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