Holy Week

Mar 30, 2018 22:25

Bullet points!

*We started Holy Week last night. I love Maundy Thursday service because it's so powerful. They strip the altar and front area of anything related to religion. Then the clergy and the choir (us) take off our vestments. Basically we're now without Jesus until Easter. Makes me feel for those apostles who didn't know the end of the story, and were frightened and grieving.

*After the service is the prayer vigil, which I also enjoy. The last few years I've signed up for the first hour, so it's not exactly quiet as people are still cleaning up from the service, but it's subdued and the lights are still low. I try to mediate. This year I managed to go for 40 minutes before checking the time (lol). Thought on what the world might be like without Jesus and God. And also random stuff. Like really random. I am not a mind-emptying meditation person. :)

*Today was the noon Good Friday service. Someone mentioned in a church they used to go to their Friday service was three hours-from Jesus on the cross to when he died. Yeah, no thank you.

*Tomorrow night is Easter vigil. Very cool. Starts in the dark, and we have fire and candles, and then EASTER with brass and cheering and etc. Love it.

*Then Easter service on Sunday morning. So many people! More brass, more cool songs and etc. Then the potluck. And then J and I go to visit some of the people who couldn't come to church. And then a NAP!

*Tuesday it took over 3 hours at the cardiologist. I think something happened, so he was late, and I truly hope so because that sucked. And they wanted no food for 5 hours, and no caffeine for 24 hours. I started eating fish crackers at the 3 hour mark.
He was nice. Said that we'd try a different medication-different version of same one that will be truly once a day. If the SVT happens again he suggests having the specialist cardiologist ablate the offensive area. eek!

*Finally got to ride Zolar tonight (since we missed the lesson on Tuesday). Did okay, but I definitely need to remember to keep my hands up on right circles. Also, we both need to pay attention more. lol
Getting somewhat better on center lines. Still not fond of shoulder in to left. So, good/okay ride.

*OTOH, not getting to ride for 5 days was good for the saddle sore on the inside of my left knee that I gave myself last Sunday. Ooops. Still trying to heal it, but we're getting there.

*Aaaand need to go to bed. Night all.

*Oh, and our choir director and a few of our choir are really excited because we're getting red robes. These are apparently worn during Holy Week and on Pentacost. I'm pretty ambivalent because I like our black robes with white alb-thingy over it. Anyone else have any opinions?

dressage, medical, horses, choir, church, riding

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