Day after the show amusement.

Mar 06, 2018 21:18

Monday I drove the truck to work so I could pick up some feed at the store. I had left the horses out in the big pasture hoping that they wouldn't be hanging around the gate when I needed to unload.

So I drive up, and Zolar and Rex are relaxing under the roof of the barn about 100 feet away, and Tess is standing in the middle of the field about 200 feet away. I get in the gate and get it shut, and notice that Tess was starting to walk toward me. Dang. She tends to like to stick her nose where it shouldn't be, and I was concerned about getting out easily.

But, I needed to unload, so I got that done. But from where that barn is I couldn't see the horses. So as I drive up to the gate I see that all the horses were past the end of the barn. Then I notice what is actually happening - Zolar is herding them all farther away from the truck. In fact, as I watched, he herded them out of sight on the other side. lolol

I wanted to think that he was keeping Tess away from trouble. But what was probably happening was that Zolar worked hard enough the day before and didn't want to be anywhere near where he might get put in the trailer. lol

It's sad when your horse is smarter than you are. :D

horses, amusing, animals

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