My spoons, they have abandoned me.

Jan 27, 2018 22:07

*for some reason this week has just not been that good. Not anything really big, just a lot of little things. And I've been not paying attention to things as closely as I should/usually do, and that's leading to more frustration. eg. dropping the little pills that I have to give to two of my critters. Different pills, similar tiny size.

*I have a new NP student this week. I think I don't like them as much as PA students because they are a bit more pushy? maybe. They're used to working with doctors, so they're more chatty, even when I'm grumpy. This one, though, has been honest about what she doesn't do well, and what she wants to learn, so that was great. Also, turns out there's a connection via my riding instructor here. Small world.

*I spent an hour. An. Hour. Putting in one set of orders for a kid to get an outpatient infusion at one of the hospitals Friday morning. New system. Turns out when they told me 'oh, it's easy, we'll get you these favorites, and you can click on them, no problem' they were full of shit because the favorites you make on inpatient orders don't cross to outpatient orders-WTF, it's still in the hospital. The nurse offered to do it for me again, but this time, it was personal. Hopefully I can go back next week, and find some way to favorite the ones I made this time. Or perhaps next month I'll have more lead time than, say, 5 minutes. At least I know which version of the program I need to log into this time (and no, it's not the same as the one I use inpatient because this computer system is annoying and not well thought out-which is nicer than what many others think of it). Did I mention that once again the computer claimed the pharmacy didn't have the drug? Yeah, lying liar who lies. Also thinks I can't get a CBC with manual diff. Unless I choose the right version. Which is different each time.

*But, I managed to catch up on my clinic patients by 11:30. Yay me!

*I've been somewhat frustrated with riding this week. Zolar isn't bending well. Started Tuesday with my lesson, hanging on the right rein. Last night I did walk only lateral work. Started in a circle, which was okay, but he was more cranky than usual with a shoulder in to the right on the wall. Tonight I did conditioning (just regular walk/trot/canter/trot/walk around the outside for a certain time each), and he was mostly okay until right lead canter, where he was hanging, oh he was hanging.

I've thought maybe it was the conditioning, because we're mostly just started, and it's working more than usual. Or maybe because when his neck is sweaty it's hard to property massage it afterward. He is more weak on the right side canter (with my left hip).
Going to see when I can get an appt with the chiro.

*I'm working on strengthening my left hip more, as well as my neck. Turns out it may be that my neck is too weak is what's causing my tightness/headaches-at least when I drive the truck for lengths of time. So my chiro has me doing basic neck strengthening. (And boy did that cause a nasty headache the first two weeks. Still taking Aleve every day, but not nearly as bad).

And now he has me using a roller. It's like a big rolling pin made of firm foam, and I roll it between my back and the floor. Holy crap does that hurt. Even when I'm using the smooth one instead of the nubbed section. I suppose my person is tense. /duh.

*I finished the Mira Grant book, and have started a new one called Furiously Happy: A Funny Book About Horrible Things. I got it because of the blurb. I often don't read about other people's mental illness because I'm afraid my brain will see something and go 'hey, that's a great idea!' But this one is hilarious. I almost fell off my bike while reading the first few chapters. That's right, my bike that sits on a trainer. Indoors. And is held up without my support.
There are parts where I think it's very cool, and feel better about myself. Still some parts I hide from my brain. But definitely amusing.

*Into The Drowning Deep is the Mira Grant book. Loved it so very much. I still think about it. So well written. And dense, but in a good way. And science. Could barely put it down. Although now I'm really glad I have no desire to explore the open ocean.

*And I should go to bed. I have a duet in church tomorrow. Well, more like sequential solos, but still fun. Was in church today singing for a deacon ordination for a very cool gal. She was in my EfM class my first year, then left to go to deacon school. I was glad to have been there today, but makes for a busy weekend. Especially after we worked last weekend.

Give me a second, and I'll whine some more. :D

Sorry this is long. I always think about writing when I'm elsewhere, then get sucked into fan fiction when I'm at the computer. Well, that, and it can be hard to type with a lapcat. They get jostled, and glare at me.Now they're cuddling on the couch next to me. And ignoring Bogey, who's on the top of the couch.

medical, training, choir, animals, work, dressage, books, whine, church

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