Nov 14, 2017 20:58
I haven't caught up on any of the teevees. Still need to start on Zoo, Z Nation, Van Helsing, Superstition, and that other ghost one on Syfy. Just been too busy reading cool fanfic. And watching HGTV. lol
In critters news, I'm working on more canter with Zolar. Hard work, especially when my sinus infection started last week.
Still need to memorize the tests for the show early next month.
Silas is getting out again the last few weeks. The electric fence is working, so I have no idea how he's doing it. He's never really been a jumper, but maybe that's what he's doing. I've pretty much given up.
The guy came by to look at my heater today. When it's 80F outside. Of course it was working then. But he's going to replace the thermostat. Hopefully that'll work, but I'm not holding my breath. It's been changed before. Maybe they're just wearing out? I hope he gets the right kind. We get weird weather here, so I can need heat in the morning, and A/C in the afternoon in spring/fall.
Still haven't seen Thor. This weekend is my first one free, but we worked last weekend, so I like to have the next one completely free of things. I suppose I'll see how I feel on Sat.
On Sunday we have this community faith service thing our choir is going to at the Jewish temple after church. Apparently they do it every year with various churches, but I've never been.
Have I mentioned I love the Friday the 13 series? I do.
I had no idea Puerto Rico was more than a tourist place until we started having nasty shortages of medical supplies. Apparently a lot of things are made there. Usually. Tonight I heard even some prosthetic limbs are made there.
But seriously, we are low on things like epinephrine, sodium bicarb, morphine! At least we're getting some IV bags now. Very scary. (And not al of those deficiencies are due to the hurricane.
Choir tomorrow. I'm frustrated because my sinuses are still somewhat full, and I feel like I'm really nasal. blech. Oh well.