May 31, 2017 21:55
I got in to the clinic to find that my soft hearted NP had picked up a babyish bird that she found on her lawn that only had one leg. She was going to take it to a lady who worked with wild animals. It died in the afternoon, poor thing.
Then I get home after choir, and go to clean the guest bathroom again, and realize (after turning on the closet light-that I don't usually do) that I think the whole wall of the closet with the shower on the other side has mold. I can see little brown dots that I'm pretty sure aren't termites. (would be better if it were termites, maybe). I'm kind of pissed because I had a friend fix it for me a few years ago when I realized the shower had been leaking, and while it didn't look pretty, I thought it had been dealt with. No one has really used the shower since then, except for when I was having the sewer problem, and that was mostly just on the floor of the shower.
My parents are going to be here tomorrow, and they aren't young. I haven't taken anything down yet, so it should be okay. And it still smells like fucking cat pee. ARGH!
I'll ask my dad what he thinks.
Then I go to get the horses in, and on my way through Tess' stall, I check her water bowl, and *there's a fucking dead bird in it!* At first I thought it was poop because it was brown, and they do that occasionally, but then I saw the bird. WTF? I bleached the shit out of that. Threw the bird in her run because I was freaked out.
So yeah, fun times.
Still trying to wash my dark clothing because my washer beeps out about 5 times a wash. At least partly due to my hard water, I'll bet, but it's getting worse, and driving me nuts. If I had had a good month I'd be getting a new washer.
My parents should be here tomorrow, and not only do I have a meeting at lunch, but I also have a class in the evening. It's my last class for the year, so I really don't want to skip it. I had asked them to get here Friday, but apparently my mom has been driving fast. lol Speed demon.
But hopefully tomorrow will be better. With no dead fucking birds.