Jan 03, 2017 21:06
*My friend's husband, with the bad face cut, is doing better. She says the swelling and pain are improving. :)
*Today's episode of Chopped is annoying because it's about 'healthy' foods. Which drives me nuts because all the yuppies are eating all these crazy diets to be healthy when it's just another fad. Moderation people. Everything in moderation. Words like 'organic', 'whole foods', even 'healthy' now make me roll my eyes.
There's one cook who spends 4-6 hours meditating each day and 5 months a year traveling. Yeah. Can you say independently wealthy? Because that's what regular people do.
But one of the cooks makes food for terminally ill people. She's very cool. And has blue braids in her hair.
*Worked Zolar in the round pen today for about 15 minutes. He did really well listening. So, after I captured Tess for our lesson, I let him out in the pasture.
*Lesson went okay. Tess is still not wanting to bend much to the left. She claims she's formed like a block, and therefore can't bend. Whatever, Tess. And, by the end, we finally made a straight centerline! lol And I got yelled at for posting with my legs. Dang. Will have to work more.
*Tonight I went out to get everyone while holding the halter. Trainer and I had decided that the others can come into their stalls on their own, but Zolar needs to be haltered since that's his problem right now. Got Tess with the rope around the neck, just to be a good example. Rex ran in because he was, as usual, fighting with Zolar. Zolar said no way. And I gave him three chances. Then I shut his gate locking him out of his stall, and fed everyone else.
So Zolar is now wandering on his own in the small two pastures, not having had his dinner. And it's so hard! I feel like shit. But, just like with children, I need to be strong and hold my ground. It's not going to hurt him to miss a meal. And trainer says a night outside often makes them much more amenable to direction. (Of course, he used to live outside 24/7, but that was in Kentucky where the grass is like crack.) In the morning I'll ask him if he wants to be haltered and come in for breakfast. If not, no yummy grain until tomorrow evening. *stands ground very carefully and tries not to be sad*
*Okay, cool chef keeps saying she's making 'pickled peppers' and I keep wanting to giggle. lol
*Have to drop my car off at the mechanic's before work tomorrow, so need to get up early. Nothing big, just some little things. Also, I'm making them replace my burnt out headlight. :)