
Dec 26, 2016 20:38

Well, the Christmas holiday is almost over. Of course, there's still the 12 days of Christmas, but we don't get those off. Something about needing to buy feed for everyone...

It started out not fun. Friday night I was exhausted, and even though it had been a slow day at work and we had gone home early, I went to bed at 9:30. Which was good because my belly stared rebelling during the night. Joy.

Spent most of Saturday on the couch, watching Property Brothers in New Orleans, and sleeping through everything else. Managed to perk mostly up by 5, thank God because that's when I had to be at the church for our first service.

We start half an hour before with a carol sing. Luckily we were sitting out in the congregation during this so I could sing half volume and drop out occasionally. For some reason the carol sing strains my voice, which sucks because we sing a long time on Christmas eve. I hated when we were in the choir stalls for it in years past as we are in the front, and we have to *cough*mostly*cough* behave.

Also, finally met the son of one of my friends. He works at the same college I went to in Oregon. Very cool. He seems like someone I might get along with. If only he weren't several states away. Oh well.

The Christmas services seemed less stressful musically to me than it has in the past. Our new director keeps his stress more internal, I think, so I just let him do it. lol

This year we thought ahead and picked up pizzas that we warmed up in between the two services. It can be hard to find somewhere to eat otherwise, and it was great to just be able to sit around and talk with everyone. Also, my friend fed my zoo, so I didn't have to go home between services to do that.

My friend/nurse practitioner came to the evening service, which was cool. I sat with her during the carol single and got to see her encounter some carols she hadn't heard before. Episcopalians have our own set of 'beloved Christmas carols', and I remember my own introduction to them five years ago. lol Now they're old hat and comfortably familiar to me, too.

We had incense at the late service, which is cool because they buy this pure, I mean, incense that smells nice, and doesn't make one cough and tear up.

Christmas day came way too early after getting home at midnight the night before. Of course, since we don't usually have a Christmas day service, and our big one is the evening before there were only about 30 people there. Which was actually cool.

Spent the rest of the day at my friend's with her family. Got to see her new place. She loves rustic decor a lot, and it definitely fits that. In fact, it looks perfect, and she loves it, so that's great. And she had these little antique decorations on her tree that were very cool-that she bought this year at one of the antique/used/whatever shop and was very excited about.

One of her granddaughters, H brought her new Bop It, and it brought us hours of entertainment. Really. lol And we played the game where you have to figure out person in on the paper stuck to your forehead by asking yes/no questions. Truly fun. And surprising to see what some people would write down, and also which ones you miss. I missed Bruce Willis!!! Was thinking Vin Diesel, but close, you know?

Today I finally cleaned the two showers involved in the sewer mess. And manage to unstop the master toilet that had plugged again. Changed my sheets-*gasp*

Ran Rex through the round pen. He is still a little off at the trot, but it's not pushing him hard, and it's keeping him in shape.
Zolar was being an asshole and wouldn't let me near him with the halter. So I trapped them all in the little field, and put up the electric tape on the one side Tess had pushed down the wire (she's a bulldozer when it comes to fences). Have to get a new fence power unit, though, so I hope it fools her until then.

But, I had a little freak out and texted my trainer. She thinks he's got a sore back(see pervious posts) and may be thinking that he's the boss. So, after I chased him around his stall because he wouldn't hold still, and he lowered his head and licked and chewed, I caught him, and did what she suggested (which is what I was going to do anyway) and ran him in the round pen. He did okay. Then I worked on having him walk with me at my shoulder, turning, stopping, and backing. We'll see what trainer says tomorrow.

(He was definitely testosterone poisoned as he wasn't gelded until he was about 2 1/2. And I thought I was doing okay with that sort of stuff, what with the 15yo girl, I mean mare testing me all the time.) Wish me luck. lol

Four day work week this week, another three day weekend, then back to the regular grind. Whooo!

friends, tv, medical, family, horses, church, animals

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